Clear Filters

Nivedita Arora
Allen K. and Johnnie Cordell Breed Junior Professor of Design and Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research areas: Sustainable computational materials, eco-friendly materials/manufacturing, battery-free system operation, responsible end-of-the-lifecycle disposal/reuse; Smart home control; Health, accessibility, biodiversity, and urban infrastructure monitoring.
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Zdenek Bažant
McCormick Institute Professor; Walter P. Murphy Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, and Engineering
Phone: 847-491-4025
emailResearch areas: Mechanics of materials and structures and structural safety; nanomechanics; hygrothermal effects; applications to concrete, fiber composites, tough ceramics, rocks, soils, bone, snow, and sea ice
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Research areas: Evolution of subcommunities within cities; redevelopment of cities; history of transportation relating to growth of cities
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

David E. Boyce
Adjunct Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Professor Emeritus
Phone: 847-656-6667
emailResearch areas: Urban travel and location forecasting models; transportation network analysis and modeling; history of urban travel forecasting methods
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science
- University of Illinois at Chicago

Research areas: Applied microeconomic theory and industrial organization; regulatory economics
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Research areas: Design, deployment, and evaluation of large-scale distributed systems in both wide-area and mobile networks; experimental systems, particularly operating systems and distributed computing
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Research areas: Marketing and communications; crisis management and communications; humanitarian logistics, stakeholder relationship management; political and deceptive messages and advertising; China management education and training
- Medill School of Journalism

Wei Chen
Chair and Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Wilson-Cook Professor in Engineering Design
Phone: 847-491-7019
emailResearch areas: Discrete choice analysis and network analysis for consumer preference modeling; multidisciplinary design optimization; simulation-based design under uncertainty; enterprise-driven decision-based design
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Ying Chen
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Phone: 847-491-7548
emailResearch areas: Data Analytics for Transportation Application; Connected Vehicles and Smart Cities; Big Social Media Data Mining for Travelers’ Behavior;Travel Demand & Behavior Modeling; Large-scale Transportation Network Modeling and Analysis; Agent-based Modeling and Visualization
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Sunil Chopra
Deputy Dean, Kellogg School of Management; IBM Professor of Operations Management and Information Systems; Professor of Operations
Phone: 847-491-8169
emailResearch areas: Supply chain management and operations; design of communication and distribution networks; supply chain risk
- Kellogg School of Management

Research Areas: Library instruction, research, and reference support; Social media, exhibit curation, and outreach related to special collections; Transportation history
- Northwestern University Libraries

J. Edward Colgate
Walter P. Murphy Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Allen and Johnnie Breed Senior Professor in Design
Phone: 847-491-4264
emailResearch areas: Human-machine interface; haptics; mechatronic systems
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

James G. Conley
Clinical Professor of Operations; Faculty Fellow, Northwestern University Segal Design Institute
Phone: 847-491-4814
emailResearch areas: Product design and development technologies; intellectual property strategies; intellectual capital; innovation management
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science
- Kellogg School of Management

Noshir Contractor
Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences, Departments of Communication Studies, Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Management and Organizations, and Computer Science; Director of the Science of Networks in Communities (SONIC)
Phone: 847-491-3669
emailResearch areas: Social and knowledge networks; statistical and computational methods; organizational theory
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science
- School of Communication

Gianluca Cusatis
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and (by courtesy) Mechanical Engineering
Phone: 847-491-4027
emailResearch areas: Mechanics of infrastructure materials and constitutive modeling of concrete and cementitious composites
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

David A. Dana
Kirkland & Ellis Professor of Law; Professor of Real Estate, Kellogg School of Management (Courtesy); Director, Program on Sustainability and Food and Animal Law
Phone: 312-503-0240
emailResearch areas: Environmental and land use law, regulation, and policy, particularly methods of allocating carbon credits; regulation and technological change in the automobile industry; eminent domain reform and urban sprawl
- Pritzker School of Law

Research areas: Construction vibrations; structural health monitoring; subsurface exploration decisions
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Research areas: Lightweight metallic materials for energy-efficient transportation; high-temperature alloys for energy-efficient internal-combustion and jet engines
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science
- Initiative for Sustainability & Energy at Northwestern (ISEN)

Research areas: Transportation infrastructure management; modeling and analysis of production control systems; capacity management; statistical performance modeling; contract analysis and design
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Research areas: Visual cognition; guidance, capture, and tracking of visual attention and awareness; effective visual design
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Research areas: Application of new technology for supply chain and logistics problems
- Master of Science in Information Technology Program
- Northwestern University Transportation Center

Research areas: Macroeconomic theory; monetary theory; airline economics; airline management; airline history; airline customer experience
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Kimberly A. Gray
Roxelyn and Richard Pepper Family Chair in Civil and Environmental Engineering; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and (by courtesy) Chemical and Biological Engineering
Phone: 847-467-4252
emailResearch areas: Urban sustainability; brownfield and urban redevelopment; environmental impacts of transportation on ecological and human health; energy-efficient technology
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Mike Hewitt
Professor; Ralph Marotta Endowed Chair in Free Enterprise; Executive Director, Business Leadership Hub; Faculty Director, Supply Chain and Sustainability Center, Quinlan School of Business
Phone: 312-915-7394
emailResearch areas: Freight transportation, Supply chain management, Workforce planning, Integer programming
- Loyola University Chicago

Paul M. Hirsch
Professor Emeritus of Management & Organizations; James L. Allen Professor of Strategy & Organization
Phone: 847- 491-8069
emailResearch areas: Organizational change; human resources and mass media
- Kellogg School of Management

Research areas: Econometrics; travel demand modeling; urban transportation; air quality
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Daniel Horton
Assistant Professor, of Earth and Planetary Sciences and (by courtesy) Civil and Environmental Engineering
Phone: 847-467-6185
emailResearch areas: Climate change impacts, Extreme meteorological events, Air quality & public health, Natural hazards
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Agnes Horvat
Associate Professor of Communication and Computer Science (by courtesy)
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO), affiliated faculty
Kellogg School of Management, by courtesy
Research areas: Complex Networks, Collective Intelligence, Computational Social Science, Data Science
- Kellogg School of Management
- School of Communication
- Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO)

Thomas N. Hubbard
Elinor & H. Wendell Hobbs Professor of Management; Senior Associate Dean, Strategic Initiatives; Senior Associate Dean, Strategic Initiatives
Phone: 847-467-6598
emailResearch areas: Industrial organization; trucking industry; economics of strategy; applied econometrics; economics of technology
- Kellogg School of Management

Research areas: Cultural and physical geography of North America; biogeography; economic geography; cartography and mapping; geographic information systems
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Research areas: Transportation in urban areas; public policy; urban sociology; community; ethnicity, culture and literature; methods
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Research areas: Logistics; applied microeconomic analysis; routing and risk analysis; facility locations; plant and equipment investment and replacement
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Seyed M.R. Iravani
Professor of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences
Director of Graduate Studies
Phone: 847-491-5538
emailResearch areas: Stochastic modeling and analysis; production and logistics; optimization of queuing systems; manufacturing and supply chain management; white collar work and service operations systems; analysis of integrated production and maintenance policies
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Bret Johnson
Senior Associate Director, Northwestern University Transportation Center; Director, Center for the Commercialization of Innovative Transportation Technology
Phone: 847-491-2194
emailResearch areas: Technology transfer and commercialization; technology-based economic development; space and technology innovation policy; homeland security
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science
- Farley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Center for the Commercialization of Innovative Transportation Technology (CCITT)

Research areas: Growth, governance, and sustainable development; comparative democratization; African politics; HIV prevention strategies; energy, environment and transportation
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences
- The Brookings Institution

William L. Kath
Professor of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics and (by courtesy) Neurobiology; Margaret B. Fuller Boos Professor
Phone: 847-491-3345
emailResearch areas: Computational neuroscience; fiber optics; wave propagation; nonlinear dynamics; complex systems
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Diego Klabjan
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences; Director, Master of Science in Machine Learning and Data Science Program; Director, Center for Deep Learning
Phone: 847-491-0663
emailResearch areas: Business intelligence and analytics in air transportation; logistics; railway industry; retail; supply chain management
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Research areas: Travel demand modeling and prediction; yield management; urban, regional, and intercity transportation planning; development of advanced travel demand modeling concepts and methods
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Research areas: Injectability and mechanical properties of grouted sands; disposal of waste slurries; problems involving soil-structure interaction; engineering behavior of dredged materials;dynamic response of soils
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Prem Kumar
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Director of Center for Photonic Communication and Computing
Phone: 847-491-4128
emailResearch areas: Quantum communications and quantum information processing/computing; Quantum sensing and imaging; Fiber-optic communications
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Hani S. Mahmassani
William A. Patterson Distinguished Chair in Transportation; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director, Northwestern University Transportation Center (NUTC)
Phone: 847-491-2276
emailResearch areas: Dynamic traffic system management; network modeling and optimization; dynamics of user behavior and telematics; intermodal freight and logistics
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Therese McGuire
ConAgra Brands Research Professorship in Strategic Management; Professor of Strategy
Phone: 847-491-8683
emailResearch areas: State and local public finance; fiscal decentralization; property tax limitations: education finance; regional economic development
- Kellogg School of Management

David Morton
Walter P. Murphy Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
Phone: 847-467-0502
emailResearch areas: Stochastic optimization and its application to energy, security, and health problems
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Barry L. Nelson
Walter P. Murphy Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences; Co-director of Master of Engineering Management Program
Phone: 847-491-3747
emailResearch areas: Computer simulation of dynamic, stochastic systems; design and analysis of simulation experiments
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Research areas: Network optimization; traffic flow theory; traffic simulation
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Thomas O'Toole
Associate Dean for Executive Programs; Clinical Professor of Marketing
Phone: 847-467-8660
emailResearch areas: Connecting data science to business value creation, data-driven marketing, customer value management, digital business models, the emergent structure of marketing and loyalty programs
- Kellogg School of Management

Research areas: Theoretical and policy issues relating to network industries (telecommunication, electric transport, air transport, and postal services); industrial organization; regulatory economics; applied microeconomic theory
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Research areas: Organic electronics and photovoltaics; energy storage materials, particularly electrochemical; energy concentration routes, including exciton fission; agent-based modeling of complex systems
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences
- Institute for Sustainability & Energy at Northwestern (ISEN)

Research areas: Impact of sleep loss and circadian disruption on human performance; health and safety; impact of shiftwork
- Feinberg School of Medicine

Ian Savage
Associate Chair, Department of Economics; Professor of Instruction
Phone: 847-491-8241
emailResearch areas: Transportation safety; transportation economics; urban transit
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Mohanbir S. Sawhney
Associate Dean, Digital Innovation; McCormick Foundation Chair of Technology; Clinical Professor of Marketing; Director of the Center for Research in Technology & Innovation
Phone: 847-491-2713
emailResearch areas: Business Innovation, Digital and Social Media Marketing, Network-Centric Innovation, Growth and Scaling Strategies
- Kellogg School of Management

Research areas: Transportation policy analysis and planning; Uses of data and information in decision making; Issues and factors in investment decisions; Managing transportation systems in an uncertain world
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Karen Smilowitz
James N. and Margie M. Krebs Professor in Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences
Phone: 847-491-4693
emailResearch areas: Design and operations of logistics network; vehicle routing and scheduling; supply-chain management; applications in commercial and non-profit settings
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Amanda Stathopoulos
William A. Patterson Junior Professorship Chair; Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Phone: 847-491-5629
emailResearch areas: Transportation choice modeling and forecasting
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Gunnar Stefánsson
Professor, University of Iceland, Chalmers University of Technology; Vice President Research UArctic
Phone: +354 525 5166
emailResearch areas: Political science, public opinion, and policy; intersection of security and domestic politics, civil liberties, right to travel, and travel privacy, security and identification policies; housing and community development; transportation articulation
University of Iceland
Chalmers University of Technology

Fred Turek
Director, Center for Sleep and Circadian Biology; Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Biology; Professor of Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 847-491-2865
emailResearch areas: Sleep and circadian rhythms; metabolic, neurodegenerative and gastrointestinal disorders
- Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

Brian Uzzi
Richard L. Thomas Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change; Co-Director, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO); Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences; Professor of Sociology
Phone: 847-491-8072
emailResearch areas: Social network science and computational methods as predictors for outstanding human achievement
- Kellogg School of Management
- Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO
- McCormick School of Engineering and Science
- Weinberg College

Research areas: Logistics and transportation management, collaboration management, Information and communication systems, management of technology and economics
- University of Iceland
- Kellogg School of Management

Research areas: Supply chain network design; facility location; analytics
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Research areas: Tranportation planning; Professional practice; Travel demand forecasting; Freight modeling; Geographic information systems (GIS)
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science

Research areas: the interplay between technological innovation and socio-economic systems (urbanisation, economic diversity and specialisation, invention activity, future of work)
- Kellogg School of Management

Qi Zhu
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science
Research areas: design automation of intelligent cyber-physical systems and Internet-of-Things applications, cyber-physical security, energy-efficient CPS, and system-on-chip design
- McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science