Hani Mahmassani's Publications
A. Refereed Archival Journal Publications
Mahmassani, H.S., Bevilacqua, O. and Sinha, K., "Framework for Transferring Travel Characteristics of Small Urban Areas," Transportation Research Record 730, 1979.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Sheffi, Y., "Queuing and Search Delays Due to Gasoline Station Closings," Transportation Research Record 764, 1980.
Sheffi, Y., Mahmassani, H.S. and Powell, W., "Evacuation Studies at Nuclear Power Plants: A New Challenge for Transportation Engineers," ITE Journal, Vol. 51, No. 6, 1981.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Sinha, K., "Bayesian Updating of Trip Generation Parameters," Transportation Engineering Journal of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Vol. 107, No. TE5, 1981.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Sheffi, Y., "Using Gap Sequences to Estimate Gap Acceptance Functions," Transportation Research B, Vol. 15B, No. 3, 1981.
Sheffi, Y. and Mahmassani, H.S., "A Model of Driver Behaviour at High Speed Signalized Intersections," Transportation Science, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1981.
Sheffi, Y., Mahmassani, H.S., and Powell, W., "A Transportation Network Evacuation Model," Transportation Research A, Vol. 16A, No. 3, 1982.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Krzysztofowicz, R., "A Behaviourally-Based Framework for Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Under Uncertainty in the Urban Transportation Context," Environment and Planning B, Vol. 10, pp. 193-206, 1983.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Gakenheimer, R., "Budget Estimation for Transportation Project Programming Under Uncertainty," Third World Planning Review, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1983.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Gakenheimer, R., "Simple Techniques for Incorporating Institutional Preference Information in Programming Urban Transportation Investments," Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 51-62, 1983.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Herman, R., "Dynamic User Equilibrium Departure Time and Route Choice on Idealized Traffic Arterials," Transportation Science, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1984.
Mahmassani, H.S., Williams, J. and Herman, R., "Investigation of Network-Level Traffic Flow Relationships: Some Simulation Results," Transportation Research Record 971, pp. 121-130, 1984.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Toft, G., "Transportation and High Technology Economic Development," Transportation Research Record 984, pp. 22-29, 1984.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Uncertainty in Transportation System Evaluation: Issues and Approaches," Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-12, 1984.
Chang, G-L., Mahmassani, H.S. and Herman, R., "A Macroparticle Traffic Simulation Model to Investigate Peak-Period Commuter Decision Dynamics," Transportation Research Record 1005, pp. 107-120, 1985.
Toft, G. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Analysis of Air Freight Transportation Associated with High Technology Manufacturing Development," Transportation Research Record 1038, pp. 90-96, 1985.
Williams, J., Mahmassani, H.S. and Herman, R., "Analysis of Traffic Network Flow Relations and Two-Fluid Model Parameter Sensitivity," Transportation Research Record 1005, pp. 95-106, 1985.
Mannering, F. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Consumer Valuation of Foreign and Domestic Vehicle Attributes: Econometric Analysis and Implications for Auto Demand," Transportation Research A, Vol. 19A, No. 3, pp. 243-251, 1985.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Chang, G-L., "Dynamic Aspects of Departure Time Choice Behaviour in a Commuting System: Theoretical Framework and Experimental Analysis," Transportation Research Record 1037, pp. 88-101, 1985.
Lerman, S. and Mahmassani, H.S., "The Econometrics of Search," Environment and Planning A, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 1009-1024, 1985.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Michalopoulos, P., "Traffic Science: Perspectives on Future Research," Transportation Research A, Vol. 19A, No. 516, 1985.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Toft, G., "Transportation Requirements for High Technology Industrial Development," Transportation Engineering Journal of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Vol. 111, No. 6, pp. 473-484, 1985.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Toft, G., "Transportation Issues Related to High Technology Development in Medium-Sized Urban Areas," Transportation Quarterly, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1985.
Souleyrette II, R., Mahmassani, H.S. and Walton, C. M., "An Operational Typology for Toll Financing of Highways," Transportation Research Record 1077, pp. 5-13, 1986.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Tong, C-C, "Availability of Information and Departure Time Choice Dynamics: Experimental Investigation," Transportation Research Record 1085, pp. 33-47, 1986.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Chang, G-L., "Experiments with Departure Time Choice Dynamics of Urban Commuters," Transportation Research B, Vol. 20B, No. 4, pp. 297-320, 1986.
Mahmassani, H.S., Chang, G-L. and Herman, R., "Individual Decisions and Collective Effects in a Simulated Traffic System," Transportation Science, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 258-271, 1986.
Winer, R., Mahmassani, H.S. and Walton, C.M., "Patterns of County Road Financing: A Case Study of Counties in Texas," Transportation Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 189-209, 1986.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Chang, G-L, "Specification and Estimation of a Dynamic Departure Time Acceptability Model in Urban Commuting," 65th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 1986.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Discussion of Multi-Attribute Utility in Pavement Rehabilitation Decisions," Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 113, No. 5, 1987.
Mahmassani, H.S., Mouskos, K. and Walton, C.M., "Application and Testing of the Diagonalization Algorithm for the Evaluation of Truck-Related Highway Improvements," Transportation Research Record 1120, pp. 24-31, 1987.
Carey, D., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Air Travel Considerations in Planning for Technology-Based Economic Development: A Case Study of Austin, Texas," Regional Science Perspectives; Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 20-41, 1987.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Kim, Y-G, "Effect of Traffic Mix, Volume and Geometrics on the Trip Time of Cars and Trucks on Urban Freeways,” Transportation Research Record 1112, pp. 98-106, 1987.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Herman, R., "Interaction of Trip Decisions and Traffic System Dynamics," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 30, No 3, 1987.
Kim, Y-G and Mahmassani, H.S., "Link Performance Functions for Urban Freeways With Asymmetric Car-Truck Interactions," Transportation Research Record 1120, pp. 32-39, 1987.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Chang, G-L, "On Boundedly-Rational User Equilibrium in Transportation Systems," Transportation Science, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1987.
Tong, C-C. Mahmassani, H.S. and Chang, G-L, "Travel Time Prediction and Information Availability in Commuter Behaviour Dynamics," Transportation Research Record 1138, pp. 1-7, 1987.
Williams, James, Mahmassani, H.S., and Herman, R., "Urban Traffic Network Flow Models," Transportation Research Record 1112, pp. 78-88, 1987.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Some Comments on Activity-Based Approaches to the Analysis and Prediction of Travel Behaviour," Transportation 15, pp. 35-40, 1988.
Chang, G-L and Mahmassani, H.S., "Travel Time Prediction and Departure Time Adjustment Behaviour Dynamics in a Congested Traffic System," Transportation Research B, Vol. 22B, No. 3, pp. 217-232, 1988.
Mahmassani, H.S., Baaj, H. and Tong, C-C, "Characterization and Evolution of Spatial Density Patterns in Urban Areas," Transportation, Vol. 15, pp. 233-256, 1988.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Jayakrishnan, R., "Dynamic Analysis of Lane Closure Strategies," Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 114, No. 4, pp. 476-496, 1988.
Carey, D., Mahmassani, H.S. and Toft, G., "Air Freight Usage Patterns of Technology-Based Industries," Transportation Research Record 1179, pp. 33-39, 1988.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Mouskos, K., "Some Numerical Results on the Diagonalization Algorithm for Network Assignment with Asymmetric Interactions Between Cars and Trucks," Transportation Research B, Vol. 22B, No. 4, pp. 275-290, 1988.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Stephan, D.G., "Experimental Investigation of Route and Departure Time Choice Dynamics of Urban Commuters," Transportation Research Record 1203, pp. 69-84, 1988.
Chang, G-L, Mahmassani, H.S. and Engquist, M., "System Optimal Trip Scheduling and Routing in Commuting Networks," Transportation Research Record 1251, pp. 54-65, 1989.
Mouskos, K. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Guidelines and Computational Results for Vector Processing of Network Assignment Codes on Supercomputers," Transportation Research Record 1251, pp. 10-16, 1989.
Mahmassani, H.S., Caplice, C., and Walton, C.M. "Commuter Behaviour: Switching Propensity and Use of Information," Transportation Research Record 1285, pp. 57-69, 1990.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Dynamic Models of Commuter Behaviour: Experimental Investigation and Application to the Analysis of Planned Disruptions," Transportation Research A, Vol. 24A, No. 6, pp. 465-484, November 1990.
Jayakrishnan, R., Mahmassani, H.S. and Herman, R., "Network Traffic Flow Theory: Microscopic Simulation Experiments on Supercomputers," Transportation Research A, Vol. 24A, No. 2, pp. 149-162, 1990.
Mahmassani, H.S., Jayakrishnan, R. and Herman, R., "Microscopic Simulation of Traffic in Networks: Supercomputer Experience," American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-19,1990.
Baaj, H. and Mahmassani, H.S., "TRUST: A Lisp Program for the Analysis of Transit Route Configurations," Transportation Research Record 1283, pp. 125-135, 1990.
Baaj, H. and Mahmassani, H.S., "An AI-Based Approach for Transit Route System Planning and Design," Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 187-210, 1991.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Chen, P. "Comparative Assessment of Origin-Based and En-Route Real-Time Information Under Alternative User Behaviour Rules," Transportation Research Record 1306, pp. 69-81, 1991.
Al Gadhi, S. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Simulation of Crowd Behaviour and Movement: Fundamental Relations and Application," Transportation Research Record, 1320, pp. 260-268, 1991.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Jayakrishnan, R., "System Performance and User Response Under Real-Time Information in a Congested Traffic Corridor," Transportation Research A, Vol. 25A, No. 5, pp. 293-308, 1991.
Baaj, H. and Mahmassani, H.S., "AI-Based System Representation and Search Procedures for Transit Route Network Design," Transportation Research Record 1358, pp. 67-70, 1992.
Taylor, D., Euritt, M. and Mahmassani, H.S. "Economic Evaluation of CNG Fleet Conversion and Operation," Transportation Research Record 1366, pp. 20-30, 1992.
Hatcher, G. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Daily Variability of Route and Trip Scheduling Decisions for the Evening Commute," Transportation Research Record 1357, pp. 72-81, 1992.
Caplice, C. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Commuting Behaviour: Preferred Arrival Time, Use of Information, and Switching Propensity," Transportation Research A, Vol. 26A, No. 5 pp. 409-418, 1992.
Andersen, J., Mahmassani, H.S., Helaakoski, R., Euritt, M., Walton, C.M. and Harrison, R., "Economic Impact of Highway Bypasses," Transportation Research Record 1395, pp. 144-152, 1993.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Chen, P., "An Investigation of the Reliability of Real-Time Information for Route Choice Decisions in a Congested Traffic System," Transportation 20, pp. 157-178, 1993.
Ziliaskopoulos, A. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Commentary on Fastest Paths in Time-Dependent Networks for IVHS Applications," Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 91-93, 1993.
Chen, P. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Dynamic Interactive Simulator for the Study of Commuter Behaviour under Real-time Traffic Information Supply Strategies," Transportation Research Record 1413, pp. 12-21, 1993.
Euritt, M., Taylor, D. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Texas Department of Transportation Compressed Natural Gas Fleet Conversion," Transportation Research Record 1416, pp. 95-104, 1993.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Peeta, S., "Network Performance Under System Optimal and User Equilibrium Dynamic Assignments: Implications for ATIS," Transportation Research Record 1408, pp. 83-93, 1993.
Mahmassani, H.S., Joseph, T. and Jou, R-C, "A Survey Approach for the Study of Urban Commuter Choice Dynamics," Transportation Research Record 1412, pp. 80-89, 1993.
Mahmassani, H. S., Yen, J-R, Herman, R. and Sullivan, M. "Employee Attitudes and Stated Preferences Towards Telecommuting: An Exploratory Analysis," Transportation Research Record 1413, 31-41, 1993.
Sullivan, M., Mahmassani, H.S., and Yen, J-R, "A Choice Model of Employee Participation in Telecommuting Under A Cost-Neutral Scenario," Transportation Research Record 1413, pp. 42-48, 1993.
Ziliaskopoulos, A. and Mahmassani, H.S. "A Time-Dependent Shortest Path Algorithm for Real-time Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Systems Applications," Transportation Research Record 1408, pp. 94-100, 1993.
Shih, M. and Mahmassani, H.S. "A Vehicle Sizing Model for Bus Transit Systems," Transportation Research Record, 1452, pp. 35-41, 1994.
Jayakrishnan, R., Mahmassani, H.S. and Hu, T-Y, "An Evaluation Tool for Advanced Traffic Information and Management Systems in Urban Networks," Transportation Research C, Vol. 2C, No. 3, pp. 129-147, 1994.
Yen, J-R, Mahmassani, H.S. and Herman, R., "Employer Attitudes and Stated Preferences Towards Telecommuting: An Exploratory Analysis," Transportation Research Record, 1463, pp. 15-25, 1994.
Hu, T-Y and Mahmassani, H.S., "Evolution of Network Flows under Real-time Information: A Day-to-Day Simulation Assignment Framework," Transportation Research Record, 1493, pp. 46-56. 1995.
Peeta, S. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Multiple User Classes Real-Time Traffic Assignment for On-Line Operations: A Rolling Horizon Solution Framework," Transportation Research C, Vol. 3C, No. 2, pp. 83-98, 1995.
Baaj, M.H. and Mahmassani, H.S., "A Hybrid Route Generation Heuristic Algorithm for the Design of Transit Networks," Transportation Research C, Vol. 3C, No. 1, pp. 31-50, 1995.
Williams, J., Mahmassani, H.S. and Herman, R., "Sampling Strategies for Two-Fluid Model Parameter Estimation in Urban Networks," Transportation Research A, Vol. 29A, No. 3, pp. 229-244, 1995.
Peeta, S. and Mahmassani, H.S., "System Optimal and User Equilibrium Time-Dependent Traffic Assignment in Congested Networks," Annals of Operations Research 60, pp. 81-113, 1995.
Regan, A.C., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., "Improving Efficiency of Commercial Vehicle Operations Using Real-time Information: Potential Uses and Assignment Strategies," Transportation Research Record 1493, pp. 188-197, 1995.
Ziliaskopoulos, A.K. and Mahmassani, H.S., "A Note on Least Time Path Computation Considering Delays and Prohibitions for Intersection Movements," Transportation Research B, Vol. 30B, No. 4, 1996.
Regan, A., Mahmassani, H.S. and Jaillet, P., "Dynamic Decision Making for Commercial Fleet Operations under Real-Time Information," Transportation Research Record. 1537, pp. 91-97,1996.
Taylor, D. and Mahmassani, H.S., Analysis of Stated Preferences for Inter modal Bicycle-Transit Interfaces," Transportation Research Record 1556, pp. 86-94, 1996.
Jou, R-C and Mahmassani, H.S., "Comparability and Transferability of Commuter Behaviour Characteristics between Cities: Departure Time and Route Switching Decisions”, Transportation Research Record. 1556, pp. 119-130, 1996.
Hawas, Y. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Comparative Analysis of the Robustness of Centralized and Distributed Route Control Systems in Incident Situations," Transportation Research Record. 1537, pp. 83-90, 1996.
Hu, T-Y and Mahmassani, H.S., "Day-to-Day Evolution of Network Flows Under Real-Time Information and Reactive Signal Control," Transportation Research C, Vol. 5C, No. 1., pp. 51-69, 1997.
Ziliaskopoulos, A., Kotzinos, D. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Design and Implementation of Parallel Time-Dependent Least Time path Algorithms for Intelligent Transportation Systems Applications," Transportation Research C, Vol. 5C, No. 2, pp. 95-107, 1997.
Jou, R-C and Mahmassani, H.S., "Comparative Analysis of Day-to-Day Trip-Chaining Behaviour of Urban Commuters in Two Cities," Transportation Research Record 1607, pp. 163-170, 1997.
Yen, J-R and Mahmassani, H.S., "Telecommuting Adoption: Conceptual Framework and Model Estimation," Transportation Research Record 1606, pp. 95-102, 1997.
Shih, M-C, Mahmassani, H.S., and Baaj, M. H., “Trip Assignment Model for Timed-Transfer Transit Systems,” Transportation Research Record 1571, pp. 24-30, 1997.
Miller-Hooks, E.D. and Mahmassani, H S., "Least Possible Time Paths in Stochastic Time-Varying Networks," Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 25, No. 12, pp. 1107-1125, 1998.
Abdelfatah, A. and Mahmassani, H.S., “System Optimal Time Dependent Path Assignment and Signal Timing in a Traffic Network,” Transportation Research Record 1645, pp. 185-193, 1998.
Garrido, R. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Forecasting Short Term Freight Transportation Demand: The Poisson STARMA Model,” Transportation Research Record 1645, pp. 8-16, 1998.
Regan, A.C. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Evaluation of Dynamic Fleet Management Systems: A Simulation Framework,” Transportation Research Record 1645, pp. 176-184, 1998.
Shih, M-C, Mahmassani, H.S., and Baaj, M.H., “A Planning and Design Model for Transit Route Networks with Coordinated Operations,” Transportation Research Record 1623, pp. 16-23, 1998.
Liu, Y-Y and Mahmassani, H.S., “Dynamic Aspects of Commuter Decisions Under Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS): Modeling Framework and Experimental Results,” Transportation Research Record 1645, pp. 111-119, 1998.
Miller-Hooks, E. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Optimal Routing of Hazardous Materials in Stochastic, Time-Varying Transportation Networks,” Transportation Research Record 1645, pp. 143-151, 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Liu, Y-H, “Dynamics of Commuting Decision Behaviour Under Advanced Traveler Information Systems,” Transportation Research C, Vol. 7C, No. 2/3, pp. 91-107, 1999.
Mahmassani, H.S., “Traveler Behavior and Intelligent Transportation Systems,” foreword, Transportation Research part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 7C, No. 2/3, pp. 73-74, 1999.
Abdelghany, K., Valdes, D., Abdelfatah, A., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Real-time Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Path-based Signal Coordination: Application to Network Traffic Management," Transportation Research Record 1667, pp.67-76, 1999.
Yang, J., Jaillet, P., and Mahmassani, H.S., “On-Line Algorithms for Truck Fleet Assignment and Scheduling under Real-time Information,” Transportation Research Record 1667, pp.107-113, 1999.
Chen, P., Srinivasan, K., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Effect of Information Quality on Compliance Behaviour of Commuters under Real-time Information," Transportation Research Record 1676, pp. 53-60, 1999.
Tavana, H., Mahmassani, H.S., and Haas, C., "Effectiveness of Wireless Phones in Incident Detection: Probabilistic Analysis," Transportation Research Record 1683, pp.31-37, 1999.
Doan, D. Ziliaskopoulos, A., and Mahmassani, H.S., "On-Line Monitoring System for Real-Time Traffic Management Applications," Transportation Research Record 1678, pp.142-149, 1999.
Srinivasan, K. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Role of Congestion and Information on Tripmaker Decision Processes: An Experimental Investigation," Transportation Research Record 1676, pp.44-52, 1999.
Mahmassani, H.S., Kitamura, R., "Travel Behaviour Research," Transportation Vol. 27, pp. 1-4, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Jou, R.C., "Transferring Insights into Commuter Behaviour Dynamics from Laboratory Experiments to Field Surveys," Transportation Research A, Vol. 34A, No 4, pp 243-260, 2000.
Miller-Hooks, E.D. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Least Expected Time Paths in Stochastic, Time-Varying Transportation Networks," Transportation Science, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 198-215, 2000.
Liu, Y-H and Mahmassani, H.S., "Global Maximum Likelihood Estimation Procedure for Multinomial Probit Model Parameters," Transportation Research B, Special Issue: Methodological Development in Travel Behaviour Research, Vol. 34B, No. 5, pp. 419-449, 2000
Garrido, R.A. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Forecasting Freight Transportation Demand with the Space-Time Multinomial Probit Model," Transportation Research B, Special Issue on Methodological Developments in Travel Behaviour Research, Vol. 34B, No. 5, pp. 403-418, 2000.
Kaysi, I., Mahmassani, H.S., Arnaout, S. and Kattan, L., “Phasing Out Lead in Automotive Fuels: Conversion Considerations, Policy Formulation, and Application to Lebanon,” Transportation Research, Part D, Vol. 5, pp. 403-418, 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S. "Foreword: Policy Applications of Travel Behaviour Models," Transportation Research A, Vol. 34A, No. 5, pp. 307-308, 2000.
Taylor, D.B. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Coordinating Traffic Signals for Bicycle Progression," Transportation Research Record 1705, pp. 85-92, 2000.
Srinivasan, K.K., and Mahmassani, H. S., “Modeling Inertia and Compliance Mechanisms in Route Choice Behavior Under Real-Time Information,” Transportation Research Record 1725, pp. 45-53, 2000.
Kraan, M., Mahmassani, H.S., and Huynh, N. “Traveler Responses to Advanced Traveler Information Systems for Shopping Trips: Interactive Survey Approach,” Transportation Research Record, 1725, pp. 116-123, 2000.
Abdelghany, A. F., Abdelghany, K.F., Mahmassani, H.S., and Murray, P.M., “Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Design and Evaluation of High-Occupancy Toll Lanes,” Transportation Research Record 1733, pp. 39-48, 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Kim, Y-J., and Jaillet, P.,“Local Optimization Approaches to Solve Dynamic Commercial Fleet Management Problems,” Transportation Research Record 1733, pp. 71-79, 2000.
Tavana, H. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Estimation and Application of Dynamic Speed-Density Relations by using Transfer Function Models,” Transportation Research Record 1710, pp. 47-57, 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., “Dynamic Network Traffic Assignment and Simulation Methodology for Advanced Systems Management Applications,” Networks and Spatial Economics 1, pp. 267-292, 2001.
Mahmassani, H.S., Murray, P.M., and Abdelghany, K.F., “Methodology for Assessing HOT Lane Usage and Network Performance, “ Transportation Research Record 1765, pp. 8-15, 2001.
Abdelghany, K.F. and Mahmassani, H.S. “Dynamic Trip Assignment-Simulation Model for Intermodal Transportation Networks,” Transportation Research Record 1771, pp. 52-60, 2001.
Abdelghany, A.F., Mahmassani, H.S., and Chiu, Y-C, “Spatial Micro-Assignment of Travel Demand with Activity/Trip Chains,” Transportation Research Record 1777, pp. 36-46, 2001.
Chiu, Y.-C. and H.S. Mahmassani. “A Hybrid Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment Approach for Robust Network Performance” , Transportation Research Record 1783, pp. 89-97, 2002.
Huynh, N., Mahmassani, H.S. and Tavana, H., “Adaptive Speed Estimation Using Transfer Function Models for Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment Operation”, Transportation Research Record 1783, pp. 55-65, 2002.
Kim, Y-J, Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., “Dynamic Truckload Truck Routing and Scheduling in Over-saturated Demand Situation,” Transportation Research Record 1783, pp. 66-71, 2002.
Lin, I., Mahmassani, H.S., Jaillet, P. and Walton, C.M., “Electronic Marketplaces for Transportation Services: Shipper Considerations,” Transportation Research Record, 1790, pp. 1-9, 2002.
Rabah, M. and Mahmassani, H.S “Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Logistics and Freight Transportation: Example of Vendor-Managed Inventories” Transportation Research Record 1790, pp. 10-19, 2002.
Zhou, X. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Dynamic Programming Approach for On-Line Freeway Flow Propagation Adjustment,” Transportation Research Record 1802, pp. 263-270, 2002.
Lin, I. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Can Online Groceries Deliver? Some Logistics Considerations,” Transportation Research Record 1817, pp.17-24, 2002.
Kaysi, I., Moghrabi, M.S. and Mahmassani, H.S., “ Hot Spot Management Benefits: Robustness Analysis for a Congested Developing City”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 129 (2), pp. 109-221, 2003.
Miller-Hooks, E. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Path Comparisons for A Priori and Time-Adaptive Decisions in Stochastic, Time-Varying Networks,” European Journal of Operational Research 146 (1), pp. 67-82, 2003.
Mahmassani, H.S., Huynh, N., Srinivasan, K., and Kraan, M., "Tripmaker Choice Behavior for Shopping Trips under Real-Time Information: Model Formulation and Results of Stated-Preference Internet-Based Interactive Experiments," Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 10(6), pp. 311-322, 2003.
Srinivasan, K.K., and Mahmassani, H. S., “Analyzing Heterogeneity and Unobserved Structural Effects in Route-Switching Behavior under ATIS: A Dynamic Kernel Logit (DKL) Formulation”, Transportation Research B, Vol. 37(9), pp. 793-815, 2003.
Khoury, J.A., Haas, C.T., Mahmassani, H.S., Logman, H. and Rioux, T.“ Performance Comparison of Automatic Vehicle Identification and Inductive Loop Traffic Detectors for Incident Detection”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 129 (6), pp. 600-607, 2003.
Chiu, Y.-C. and Mahmassani, H.S. “Routing Profile Updating Strategies for Online Hybrid Dynamic Traffic Assignment Operation”, Transportation Research Record 1857, pp 39-47, 2003.
Murray, P.M and Mahmassani, H.S., “Model of Household Trip Chain Sequencing in an Emergency Evacuation”, Transportation Research Record 1831, pp 21-29, 2003.
Zhou, X., Qin, X. and Mahmassani, H.S. “Dynamic Origin-Destination Demand Estimation Using Multi-Day Link Traffic Counts for Planning Applications”, Transportation Research Record 1831, pp 30-38, 2003.
Huynh, N., Chiu, Y.-C., and Mahmassani, H.S., “Finding Near-Optimal Locations for Variable Message Signs for Real-Time Network Traffic Management”, Transportation Research Record 1856, pp.34-53, 2003.
Abdelghany, A.F. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Temporal-Spatial Micro-Assignment and Sequencing of Travel Demand with Activity/Trip Chains,” Transportation Research Record 1831, pp 89-97, 2003.
Figliozzi, M. A., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., “A Framework for the study of Carrier Strategies in an Auction Based Transportation Marketplace”, Transportation Research Record 1854, pp 162-170, 2003.
Yang, J., Jaillet, P. and Mahmassani, H.S. “Real-Time Multi-Vehicle Truckload Pick-Up and Delivery Problems” Transportation Science 38(2), 2004.
Murray, P.M and Mahmassani, H.S., “A Methodology for the Determination of Vulnerable Links in a Transportation Network”, Transportation Research Record 1882, pp. 88-96, 2004.
Murray, P.M and Mahmassani, H.S., “Transportation Network Evacuation Planning with Household Activity Interactions”, Transportation Research Record 1882, pp. 150-159, 2004.
Qin, X. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Adaptive Calibration of Dynamic Speed-Density Relations for Online Network Traffic Estimation and Prediction Applications”, Transportation Research Record 1876, pp 82-89 2004.
Figliozzi, M. A., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., “Competitive Performance Assessment of Dynamic Vehicle Routing Technologies Using Sequential Auctions”, Transportation Research Record 1882, pp 10-18, 2004.
Kim, Y-J, Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., “Dynamic Truckload Routing, Scheduling and Load Acceptance for Large Fleet Operation with Priority Demands,” Transportation Research Record 1882, pp 120-128, 2004.
Chen, R. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Travel Time Perception and Learning Mechanisms in Traffic Networks”, Transportation Research Record 1894, pp.209-211, 2004.
Srinivasan, K.K., and Mahmassani, H. S., “A Dynamic Kernel Logit Model for the Analysis of Longitudinal Discrete Choice Data: Properties and Computational Assessment”, Transportation Science 39 (2), pp. 160–181, 2005.
Boyce, D., Mahmassani, H. S. and Nagurney, A., “A Retrospective on Beckmann, McGuire and Winsten's Studies in the Economics of Transportation” , Papers in Regional Science 84 (1), pp. 85- 97, 2005.
Figliozzi, M. A., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., “Impacts of Auction Settings on the Performance of Truckload Transportation Marketplaces”, Transportation Research Record 1906, pp 89-96, 2005.
Mahmassani, HS; Zhou, X.; Lu, C-C. “Toll Pricing and Heterogeneous Users: Approximation Algorithms for Finding Bi-Criterion Time-Dependent Efficient Paths in Large-Scale Traffic Networks”, Transportation Research Record 1923, pp 28-36, 2005.
Abdelghany, AF; Abdelghany, KF; Mahmassani, HS. “A Micro-simulation Assignment Model for Multidirectional Pedestrian Movements in Congested Facilities”, Transportation Research Record 1939, pp. 123-132, 2005.
Zhou, X. and Mahmassani, H.S. “Online Consistency Checking and Origin-Destination Demand Updating: Recursive Approaches with Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment Operation”, Transportation Research Record 1923, pp 218-226, 2005.
Targa, F.; Clifton, K.; Mahmassani, HS., “Economic Activity and Transportation Access: An Econometric Analysis of Business Spatial Patterns”. Transportation Research Record 1932, pp. 61-71, 2005.
Giesen, R.; Mahmassani, HS; Jaillet, P., Strategies for the Online Inventory Routing Problem Under Real-Time Information”, Transportation Research Record 1923, pp 164-179, 2005.
Zhou, X. and Mahmassani, HS. “Dynamic Origin–Destination Demand Estimation Using Automatic Vehicle Identification Data”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 7 (1), pp. 105-114, 2006.
Abdelghany, K., Abdelghany, A., Mahmassani, HS and Abdelfatah. “Modeling Bus Priority Using Intermodal Dynamic Network Assignment-Simulation Methodology”, Journal of Public Transportation, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 1-22, 2006.
Zhou, X., Erdogan, S. and Mahmassani, HS. “Dynamic Origin-Destination Trip Demand Estimation for Subarea Analysis”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 1964, pp. 176-184, 2006.
Dong, J., Mahmassani, HS., and Lu, C-C. “How Reliable Is This Route? Predictive Travel Time and Reliability for Anticipatory Traveler Information Systems”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 1980, pp 117-125 2006.
Mahmassani, HS., Fei, X., Zhou, X., and Eisenman, S. “Number and Location of Sensors for Real-Time Network Traffic Estimation and Prediction: A Sensitivity Analysis”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 1964, pp. 253-259, 2006.
Sbayti, H. and Mahmassani, HS. “Optimal Scheduling of Evacuation Operations”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 1964, pp 238-246, 2006.
Figliozzi, M. A., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., “Quantifying Opportunity Costs in Sequential Transportation Auctions for Truckload Acquisition”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 1964, pp. 247-252, 2006.
Targa, F.; Clifton, K.; Mahmassani, HS. “Influence of Transportation Access on Individual Firm Location Decisions”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 1977, pp 179-189, 2006.
Lu, C-C., Mahmassani, HS., and Zhou, X. “Variable Toll Pricing and Heterogeneous Users: Model and Solution Algorithm for Bicriterion Dynamic Traffic Assignment Problem”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 1964, pp 19-26, 2006.
Figliozzi, M. A., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., “Pricing in Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems”, Transportation Science, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 302-318, 2007.
Zhou, X. and Mahmassani, H.S. “A Structural State Space Model for Real-Time Traffic Origin-Destination Demand Estimation and Prediction in a Day-To-Day Learning Framework”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 41, No. 8, pp. 823-840, 2007.
Abdelghany, K., Mahmassani, HS and Abdelghany, A., “A Modeling Framework for Bus Rapid Transit Operations Evaluation and Service Planning”, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 571-591, 2007.
Fei, X., Mahmassani, HS. and Eisenman, S., “Sensor Coverage and Location for Real-time Traffic Prediction in Large-Scale Networks”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board Vol. 2039, pp. 1-15, 2007.
Mahmassani, HS, Zhang, K., Dong, J., Lu, C.-C. Lu, Arcot, V. and Miller-Hooks, E., “Dynamic Network Simulation-Assignment Platform for Multiproduct Intermodal Freight Transportation Analysis”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2032, pp 9-16, 2007.
Sbayti, H., Lu, C.-C., and Mahmassani, HS., “Efficient Implementations of the Method of Successive Averages in Simulation-Based DTA Models for Large-Scale Network Applications”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2029, pp 22-30, 2007.
Min, Y. and Mahmassani, HS., “Modeling Competitive Strategy Choice and Cognitive Learning Dynamics: Application to Electronic Auction Marketplaces”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2032, pp 1-8, 2007.
Zhou, X., Mahmassani, HS and Zhang, K., “Dynamic Micro-Assignment Modeling Approach for Integrated Multimodal Urban Corridor Management”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 16 (2), pp. 167-186, 2008.
Hamdar, SH., Mahmassani, HS and Chen, RB., “Aggressiveness Propensity Index for Driving Behavior at Signalized Intersections”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 315-326, 2008.
Sun, L., Yang. J. and Mahmassani, H. “Travel time estimation based on piecewise truncated quadratic speed trajectory”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 173-186, 2008.
Lu, C-C., Mahmassani, HS., and Zhou, X., “A Bi-criterion Dynamic User Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Model and Solution Algorithm for Evaluating Dynamic Road Pricing Strategies”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 371-389, 2008.
Kuo, A., Miller-Hooks, E., Zhang, K. and Mahmassani, HS, “Train Slot Cooperation in Multicarrier, International Rail-Based Intermodal Freight Transport”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2043, pp 31-40, 2008.
Zhang, K., Mahmassani, HS and Lu, C-C., “Probit-Based Time-Dependent Stochastic User Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Model”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2085, pp. 86-94, 2008.
Alibabai, H. and Mahmassani, HS., “Dynamic Origin-Destination Demand Estimation Using Turning Movement Counts”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2085, pp. 39-48, 2008.
Hamdar, SH. and Mahmassani, HS., “From Existing Accident-Free Car-Following Models to Colliding Vehicles: Exploration and Assessment”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2088, pp. 45-56, 2008.
Zhang, K., Nair, R., Mahmassani, HS, Miller-Hooks, E., Arcot, V., Kuo, A., Dong, J. and Lu, C.-C., “Application and Validation of Dynamic Freight Simulation-Assignment Model to Large-Scale Intermodal Rail Network: Pan-European Case”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2088, pp. 9-20, 2008.
Nair, R., Miller-Hooks, E., Mahmassani, HS, Arcot, V., Kuo, A., Zhang, K., Kozuki, A. and Ludvigsen, J., “From Sea to Shining Sea: The Market Potential for International Rail-Based Intermodal Services In Europe”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2066, pp. 21-30, 2008.
Hamdar, SH., Treiber, M., Mahmassani, HS. and Kesting, A., “Modeling Driver Behavior as a Sequential Risk-Taking Task”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2088, pp 208-217, 2008.
Lu, C-C. and Mahmassani, HS., “Modeling User Responses to Pricing: Simultaneous Route and Departure Time Network Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Users”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2085, pp 124-135, 2008.
Ziliaskopoulos, A., Mandanas, F. and Mahmassani, H.S., " An Extension of Labeling Techniques for Finding Shortest Path Trees," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 198, No. 1, pp. 63-72, 2009.
Lu, C-C., Mahmassani, HS., and Zhou, X., “Equivalent gap function-based reformulation and solution algorithm for the dynamic user equilibrium problem”. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 345-364, 2009.
Hamdar, SH. and Mahmassani, HS., “Life in the Fast Lane: A Duration-Based Investigation of Driver Behavior Differences across Freeway Lanes”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2124, pp 89-102, 2009.
Dong, J. and Mahmassani, HS., “Flow Breakdown and Travel Time Reliability”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2124, pp 203-212, 2009.
Lu, C-C. and Mahmassani, HS., “Dynamic Pricing with Heterogeneous Users: Gap-Driven Solution Approach for Bicriterion Dynamic User Equilibrium Problem” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2090, pp 75-85, 2009.
Miller-Hooks, E., Chen, L., Nair, R. and Mahmassani, HS., “Security and Mobility of Intermodal Freight Networks: Evaluation Framework for Simulation and Assignment.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2137, pp 109-117, 2009.
Lu S., Yang, J., Mahmassani, H., Gu, W. and Kim, B-J. “Data mining-based adaptive regression for developing equilibrium speed–density relationships .“ Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 37(3), pp. 389–400, 2010.
Mahmassani, HS., Chen, R., Huang, Y., Contractor, N. and Williams, D., “Time to Play? Activity Engagement in Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2157, pp. 129-137, 2010.
Kuo, A., Miller-Hooks, E. and Mahmassani, HS., “Freight train scheduling with elastic demand”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 1057-1070, 2010.
Kim, J., Mahmassani, HS. and Dong, J. “Likelihood and Duration of Flow Breakdown: Modeling the Effect of Weather”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2188, pp. 19-28, 2010.
Abdelghany, A., Abdelghany, K., Mahmassani, HS., Al-Ahmadi, H. and Al-Halabi, W. “Modeling the Evacuation of Large-Scale Crowded Pedestrian Facilities”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2198, pp. 152-160, 2010.
Giesen, R.; Mahmassani, HS; Jaillet, P., “Coping with Disruptions: Performance Comparison of Strategies for Online Inventory Routing Systems Under Demand Surges”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2168, pp. 63-70, 2010.
Sun, L., Gu, W. and Mahmassani, H., “Estimation of expected travel time using the method of moments“, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 38(2), pp. 154–165, 2010.
Lu, C.-C. and Mahmassani, HS., “Modeling Heterogeneous Network User Route and Departure Time Responses to Dynamic Pricing“,Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 320-337, 2011.
Fei, X. and Mahmassani, HS., “Structural Analysis of Near-Optimal Sensor Locations for A Stochastic Large-Scale Network“, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 440-453, 2011.
Dong, J., Mahmassani, HS, Erdogan, S., and Lu, C.-C., “State-Dependent Pricing for Real-Time Freeway Management: Anticipatory versus Reactive Strategies”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 644-657, 2011.
Nair, R., Mahmassani, HS, and Miller-Hooks, E., “A porous flow approach to modeling heterogeneous traffic in disordered systems”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Vol. 45, No. 9, pp. 1331-1345, 2011.
Jiang, L., Mahmassani, HS. and Zhang, K. “Congestion Pricing, Heterogeneous Users, and Travel Time Reliability: Multi-criterion Dynamic User Equilibrium Model and Efficient Implementation for Large-Scale Networks”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2254, pp. 58-67, 2011.
Talebpour, A., Mahmassani, HS. and Hamdar, S. “A Multi-regime Sequential Risk-Taking Model of Car-Following Behavior: Specification, Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2260, pp. 60-66, 2011.
Verbas, O., Mahmassani, HS. and Zhang, K. “Time-Dependent Origin-Destination Demand Estimation: Challenges and Methods for Large-Scale Networks with Multiple Vehicle Classes”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2236, pp. 45-56, 2011.
Kim, J. and Mahmassani, HS. “Correlated Parameters in Driving Behavior Models: Car-Following Example and Implications for Traffic Microsimulation”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2249, pp. 62-77, 2011.
Dong, J. and Mahmassani, HS. "Stochastic Modeling of Traffic Flow Breakdown Phenomenon: Application to Predicting Travel Time Reliability”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 1803 – 1809, 2012.
Zockaie, A. and Mahmassani, HS. “Leveraging Fuel Cost Differences in Aircraft Routing by Considering Fuel Ferrying Strategies”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2300, pp. 139-146, 2012.
Mahmassani, HS., Hou, T. and Dong, J. “Characterizing Travel Time Variability in Vehicular Traffic Networks: Deriving a Robust Relation for Reliability Analysis”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2315, pp. 141-152, 2012.
Saberi, M. and Mahmassani, HS. “Exploring Properties of Network-wide Flow-Density Relations in a Freeway Network”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2315, pp. 153-163, 2012.
Duives, DC. and Mahmassani, HS. “Exit Choice Decisions During Pedestrian Evacuations of Buildings”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2316, pp. 84-94, 2012.
Abdelghany, A., Abdelghany, K., Mahmassani, HS. and Al-Zahrani, A. “Dynamic Simulation-Assignment Model for Pedestrian Movements in Crowded Networks”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2316, pp. 95-105, 2012.
Talebpour, A., Mahmassani, HS. and Hamdar, S. “Safety First: Microsimulation Approach to Assessing Congestion Effects on Risk Experienced by Drivers”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2316, pp. 106-113, 2012.
Zhang, K., Mahmassani, HS. and Lu, C.-C. “Dynamic pricing, heterogeneous users and perception error: Probit-based bi-criterion dynamic stochastic user equilibrium assignment”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 27, pp. 189-204, 2013.
Saberi, M. and Mahmassani, HS. “Modeling the Airline Hub Location and Optimal Market Problems with Continuous Approximation Techniques”, Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 30, pp. 68-76, 2013.
Fei, X., Murray-Tuite, P. and Mahmassani, HS. "Vehicular Network Sensor Placement Optimization under Uncertainty: A Stochastic Programming Approach", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 29, pp. 14-31, 2013.
Jiang, L., and Mahmassani, HS. “Toll Pricing: Computational Tests for Capturing Heterogeneity of User Preferences”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2343, pp. 105-115, 2013.
Zockaie, A., Nie, Y., Wu, X. and Mahmassani, HS, "Impacts of Correlations on Reliable Shortest Path Finding", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2334, pp. 1-9, 2013.
Verbas, OI and Mahmassani, HS, “Optimal Allocation of Service Frequencies over Transit Network Routes and Time Periods: Formulation, Solution, and Implementation Using Bus Route Patterns”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2334, pp. 50-59, 2013.
Kim, J., Mahmassani, HS, Alfelor, R., Chen, Y., Hou, T., Jiang, L., Saberi, M., Verbas, OI, and Zockaie, A., “Implementation and Evaluation of Weather-Responsive Traffic Management Strategies: Insight from Different Networks”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2396, pp. 93-106, 2013.
Frei, C. and Mahmassani, HS., “Riding More Frequently: Disaggregate Ridership Elasticity Estimation for a Large Urban Bus Transit Network”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2350, pp. 65-71, 2013.
Talebpour, A., Mahmassani, HS. and Hamdar, S. “Speed Harmonization: Effectiveness Evaluation Under Congested Conditions”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2391, pp. 69-79, 2013.
Kim, J., Mahmassani, HS, Vovsha, P., Stogios, Y. and Dong, J., “Scenario-Based Approach to Travel Time Reliability Analysis Using Traffic Simulation Models”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2391, pp. 56-68, 2013.
Saberi, M. and Mahmassani, HS. “Hysteresis and Capacity Drop Phenomena in Freeway Networks: Empirical Characterization and Interpretation”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2391, pp. 44-55, 2013.
Mahmassani, HS, Hou, T. and Saberi, M., “Connecting Networkwide Travel Time Reliability and Network Fundamental Diagram of Traffic Flow”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2391, pp. 80-91, 2013.
Hou, T., Mahmassani, HS, Alfelor, R., Kim, J. and Saberi, M., “Calibration of Traffic Flow Models Under Adverse Weather and Application in Mesoscopic Network Simulation Procedures”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2391, pp. 92-104, 2013.
Mahmassani, HS, Saberi, M., and Zockaie, A., “Urban Network Gridlock: Theory, Characteristics, and Dynamics”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 36, pp. 480-497, 2013.
Dong, J. and Mahmassani, HS, “Improving network traffic flow reliability through dynamic anticipatory tolls”, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 226-236, 2013.
Saberi, M., Mahmassani, HS. and Zockaie, A. “Network Capacity, Traffic Instability, and Adaptive Driving: Findings from Simulated Urban Network Experiments”, EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 3(3-4), pp. 289-308, 2014.
Abdelghany, A., Abdelghany, K., Mahmassani, HS. and Al-Halabi W. “Modeling Framework for Optimal Evacuation of Large-Scale Crowded Pedestrian Facilities”, European Journal of Operational Research, No. 237(3), pp. 1105-1118, 2014.
Lindsey, C., Mahmassani, HS., Mullarkey, M., Nash, T. and Rothberg, S. “Industrial Space Demand and Freight Transportation Activity: Exploring the Connection”, Journal of Transport Geography 37, pp. 93-101, 2014.
Saberi, M., Mahmassani, HS., Hou, T. and Zockaie, A. “Estimating Network Fundamental Diagram Using Three-Dimensional Vehicle Trajectories: Extending Edie’s Definitions of Traffic Flow Variables to Networks”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2422, pp. 12-20, 2014.
Saberi, M., and Mahmassani, HS., “Exploring Area-Wide Dynamics of Pedestrian Crowds: Three-Dimensional Approach”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2421, pp. 31-40, 2014.
Talebpour, A., Mahmassani, HS., Mete, F. and Hamdar, S. “Near-Crash Identification in a Connected Vehicle Environment”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2424, pp. 20-28, 2014.
Zockaie, A., Mahmassani, H. S., Saberi, M., & Verbas, Ö. "Dynamics of Urban Network Traffic Flow During a Large-Scale Evacuation." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2422, pp. 21-33, 2014.
Jiang, L., and Mahmassani, HS. “City Logistics: Freight Distribution Management with Time-Dependent Travel Times and Disruptive Events”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2410, pp. 85-95, 2014.
Lindsey, C., Frei, A., Mahmassani, HS., Park, Y.-W., Klabjan, D. and Alibabai, H. “Predictive Analytics to Improve Pricing and Sourcing in Third-Party Logistics Operations”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2410, pp. 123-131, 2014.
Kim, J. and Mahmassani, HS. “A Finite Mixture Model of Vehicle-to-vehicle and Day-to-day Variability of Traffic Network Travel Times”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 46, pp. 83-97, 2014.
Lindsey, C., Mahmassani, HS., Mullarkey, M., Nash, T. and Rothberg, S. “Regional Logistics Hubs, Freight Activity And Industrial Space Demand: Econometric Analysis”, Research in Transportation Business & Management, Vol. 11, pp. 98-104, 2014.
Frei, A. and Mahmassani, HS., Zockaie, A. and Frei, C. “Integrating Behavioral Models in Network Operations: Evaluating Traveler Information and Demand Management for Weather-related Events”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2434, pp. 80-88, 2014.
Chen, Y., Frei, A. and Mahmassani, HS. “From Personal Attitudes to Public Opinion: Information Diffusion in Social Networks Toward Sustainable Transportation”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2430, pp. 28-37, 2014.
Zockaie, A., Nie, Y. and Mahmassani, HS, "Simulation-based Method for Finding Minimum Travel Time Budget Paths in Stochastic Networks with Correlated Link Times", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2467, pp. 140-148, 2014.
Kim, J. and Mahmassani, HS. “How Many Runs? Analytical Method for Optimal Scenario Sampling to Estimate the Variance of Travel Time Distributions in Vehicular Traffic Networks”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2467, pp. 49-61, 2014.
Verbas, OI, Frei, C., Mahmassani, HS and Chan, R. “Stretching Resources: Sensitivity of Optimal Bus Frequency Allocation to Stop-Level Demand Elasticities”, Public Transport 7(1), pp. 1-20, 2015.
Chen, RB., and HS Mahmassani, HS. "Let it rain: Weather Effects on Activity Stress and Scheduling Behavior." Travel Behaviour and Society 2(1), pp. 55-64, 2015.
Frei, C., Mahmassani HS., and Frei, A. “Making time count: Traveler activity engagement on urban transit.” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 76, pp. 58-70, 2015.
Lindsey, C. and Mahmassani, HS. “Measuring Carrier Reservation Prices for Truckload Capacity in the Transportation Spot Market: A Choice Experiment”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2478, pp. 123-132, 2015.
Verbas, OI and Mahmassani, HS. “Integrated Frequency Allocation and User Assignment in Multi-Modal Transit Networks: Methodology and Application to Large-Scale Urban Systems”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2498, pp. 37-45, 2015.
Verbas, OI, Mahmassani, HS., and Hyland MF. “Dynamic Assignment-Simulation Methodology for Multi-Modal Urban Transit Networks”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2498, pp. 64-74, 2015.
Kim, J. and Mahmassani, HS. “Spatial and temporal characterization of travel patterns in a traffic network using vehicle trajectories”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 59, pp. 375-390, 2015.
Talebpour, A., Mahmassani, HS., and Hamdar, S. “Modeling lane-changing behavior in a connected environment: A game theory approach”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 59, pp. 216-232, 2015.
Hamdar, SH., Mahmassani, HS. and Treiber, M., “From behavioral psychology to acceleration modeling: Calibration, validation, and exploration of drivers’ cognitive and safety parameters in a risk-taking environment”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 78, pp. 32-53, 2015.
Kim, J. and Mahmassani, HS. “Compound Gamma representation for modeling travel time variability in a traffic network”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 80, pp. 40-63, 2015.
Verbas, OI and Mahmassani, HS. “Exploring trade-offs in frequency allocation in a transit network using bus route patterns: Methodology and application to large-scale urban systems”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 81, pp. 577-595, 2015.
Chen, Y., Mahmassani, HS., Hong, Z., Hou, T., Kim, J., Halat, H., & Alfelor, RM.“On-line Implementation and Evaluation of Weather Responsive Coordinated Signal Timing Operations”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2488, pp. 71-86, 2015.
Chen, Y., Mahmassani, HS., and Hong, Z. “Data Mining and Pattern Matching for Dynamic Origin–Destination Demand Estimation: Improving Online Network Traffic Prediction”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2497, pp. 23-34, 2015.
Verbas, OI and Mahmassani, HS. “Finding Least Cost Hyperpaths in Multimodal Transit Networks: Methodology, Algorithm, and Large-Scale Application”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2497, pp 95-105, 2015.
Hyland, M. and Mahmassani, HS. “Analytical Five-Phase Bus Rapid Transit Traffic Flow Model”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2533, pp. 134-140, 2015.
Bou Mjahed, L. and Mahmassani, HS. “Walking Behavior: The Role of Childhood Travel Experience”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2495, pp. 94-100, 2015
Halat, H., Saberi, M., Frei, C., Frei, A., and Mahmassani, HS. “Impact of Crime Statistics on Travel Mode Choice: Case Study of the City of Chicago, Illinois”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2537, pp. 81-87, 2015.
Zockaie, A., Saberi, M., Mahmassani, HS., Jiang, L., Frei, A., and Hou, T. “Activity-Based Model with Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Consideration of Heterogeneous User Preferences and Reliability Valuation: Application to Toll Revenue Forecasting in Chicago, Illinois”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2493, pp. 78-87, 2015.
Alibabai, H. and Mahmassani, HS. “Foxes and sheep: effect of predictive logic in day-to-day dynamics of route choice behavior”, EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, Vol. 5(1) pp. 53-67, 2016.
Abdelghany, A., Abdelghany, K. and Mahmassani, HS. “A hybrid simulation-assignment modeling framework for crowd dynamics in large-scale pedestrian facilities”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 86, pp. 159–176, 2016.
Hyland, M., Mahmassani, HS and BouMjahed, L. “Analytical models of rail transportation service in the grain supply chain: Deconstructing the operational and economic advantages of shuttle train service.” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 93, pp. 294-315, 2016.
Talebpour, A., Mahmassani, HS., and Bustamante, F. “Modeling Driver Behavior in a Connected Environment: Integrated Microscopic Simulation of Traffic and Mobile Wireless Telecommunication Systems”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2560, pp. 75-86, 2016.
Verbas, OI, Mahmassani, HS, Hyland, M. and Halat, H. “Integrated Mode Choice and Dynamic Traveler Assignment in Multi-Modal Transit Networks: Mathematical Formulation, Solution Procedure, and Large-Scale Application”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2564, pp. 78-88, 2016.
Verbas, OI, Abdelghany, A., Mahmassani, HS and Elfar, A. “Integrated Optimization and Simulation Framework for Large-Scale Crowd Management Application”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2560, pp. 57-66, 2016.
Zockaie, A., Mahmassani, HS and Nie, Y. "Path Finding in Stochastic Time Varying Networks with Spatial and Temporal Correlations for Heterogeneous Travelers". Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2567, pp. 105-113, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.3141/2567-12
Halat, H., Zockaie, A., Mahmassani, HS., Xu, X. and Verbas, OI. “Dynamic Network Equilibrium for Daily Activity-Trip Chains of Heterogeneous Travelers: Application to Large-Scale Networks.” Transportation Vol. 43, No.6, pp. 1041-1056, 2016.
Chen, Y. and Mahmassani, HS. “Use of Social Networking Data to Explore Activity and Destination Choice Behavior in Two Metropolitan Areas”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2566, pp. 71-82, 2016.
Bou Mjahed, L., Mahmassani, HS and Talebpour, A. “Macroscopic Directional Analysis of Pedestrian Flow”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2561, pp. 64-72, 2016.
Saberi, M., Mahmassani, HS., Brockmann, D. and Hosseini, A. “A complex network perspective for characterizing urban travel demand patterns: graph theoretical analysis of large-scale origin–destination demand networks”. Transportation, pp.1-20, 2016.
Talebpour, A., and Mahmassani, HS. “Influence of connected and autonomous vehicles on traffic flow stability and throughput”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 71, pp. 143-163, 2016.
Verbas, OI, Mahmassani, HS., and Hyland MF. “Gap-Based Transit Assignment Algorithm with Vehicle Capacity Constraints: Simulation-Based Implementation and Large-Scale Application” Transportation Research, Part B: Methological, Vol. 93, pp. 1-16, 2016.
Mahmassani, HS. “Autonomous Vehicles and Connected Vehicle Systems: Flow and Operations Considerations” Transportation Science Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 1140-1162, 2016.
Lindsey, C. and Mahmassani, HS. “Sourcing truckload capacity in the transportation spot market: A framework for third party providers”, forthcoming in Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 102, pp. 261-273, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2016.10.001
Frei, C., Hyland, M. and Mahmassani, HS. “Flexing service schedules: Assessing the potential for demand-adaptive hybrid transit via a stated preference approach”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 76, pp.71-89, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2016.12.017
Xu, XA, Fakhrmoosavi, F., Zockaie, A. and Mahmassani, HS “Heuristic Approach to Estimate Travel Costs on Least Generalized Cost Paths for Heterogeneous Users in Integrated ABM-DTA on Large-Scale Networks”, forthcoming in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2667, 2017. https://doi.org/10.3141/2667-12.
Bou Mjahed, L., Mittal, A., Elfar, A., Mahmassani, HS and Chen, Y. “Exploring the Role of Social Media Platforms in Informing Trip Planning: The Case of Yelp. com”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2666, pp 1-9, 2017. https://doi.org/10.3141/2666-01
Halat, H., Mahmassani, HS., Zockaie, A., and Vovsha, P. “Activity Cancellation and Rescheduling by Stressed Households Improves Convergence in Integrated ABM-DTA Models.” forthcoming in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2664, 2017.
Mittal, A., Mahmassani, HS and Talebpour, A. “Network Flow Relations and Travel Time Reliability in a Connected Environment”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2622, pp. 24-37, 2017. https://doi.org/10.3141/2622-03
Ostojic, M., Stevanovic, A., Jolovic, D. and Mahmassani, HS “Assessment of of the Robustness of Signal Timing Plans in an Arterial Corridor Through Seasonal Variation of Traffic Flows”, Transportation Res. Rec.: J. of the Trans. Res. Board, 2619, pp. 85-94, 2017. https://doi.org/10.3141/2619-09
Hong, Z., Mahmassani, HS, Xu, X., Mittal, A., Chen, Y., Halat, H. and Alfelor, R. “Effectiveness of Predictive Weather-Related ATDM Strategies for Network Management Perspective”, forthcoming in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2667, 2017. https://doi.org/10.3141/2667-08
Talebpour, A., Mahmassani, HS and Elfar, A. “Investigating the effects of reserved lanes for autonomous vehicles on congestion and travel time reliability”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2622, pp.1-12., 2017. https://doi.org/10.3141/2622-01
Xu, X, Zockaie, A., Mahmassani, HS., Halat, H., Verbas, O., Hyland, M., Vovsha, P. and Hicks, J. “Schedule Consistency for Daily Activity Chains in Integrated Activity-Based Dynamic Multi-Modal Network Assignment” forthcoming in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2664, 2017. https://doi.org/10.3141/2664-02
Hyland, M. and Mahmassani, HS “Taxonomy of Shared Autonomous Vehicle Fleet Management Problems to Inform Future Transportation Mobility”,Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2653, 26-34, 2017. https://doi.org/10.3141/2653-04
Chen, Y., Mahmassani, H. S., and Frei, A. “Incorporating social media in travel and activity choice models: conceptual framework and exploratory analysis”. International Journal of Urban Sciences, pp. 1-21, 2017.
Talebpour, A., Mahmassani, H. S., & Hamdar, S. H. (2017). “Effect of Information Availability on Stability of Traffic Flow: Percolation Theory Approach”. forthcoming in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2017.
Zhong, Z., Mahmassani, HS., and Chen, Y. “Recognizing Network Trip Patterns Using a Spatio-Temporal Vehicle Trajectory Clustering Algorithm”. Forthcoming in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017.
B. Refereed Conference Proceedings
Sinha, K.C. and Mahmassani, H.S., "An Evaluation of the Transportation Needs of the Elderly for Medical Trips in Northwestern Indiana," Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference on Transportation for the Elderly and Handicapped. Tallahassee, FL, 1977.
Mahmassani, H.S., Williams, J. and Herman, R., "Performance of Urban Traffic Networks," in Gartner, N. and Wilson, N. H. M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Elsevier Science Publishing, pp. 1 - 20, 1987.
Al Gadhi, S. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Modeling Crowd Behaviour and Movement: Applications to Makkah Pilgrimage," in Koshi, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Elsevier Science Publishing, pp. 59-78, 1990.
Jayakrishnan, R. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Dynamic Simulation-Assignment Methodology to Evaluate In-Vehicle Information Strategies in Urban Traffic Networks," in Balci, O. Sadowski, R. P., and Nance, R. (Eds.) Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings, pp. 763 - 769, 1990.
Chen, P. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Reliability of Real-time Information System for Route Choice Decisions in a Congested Traffic Network: Some Simulation Experiments," Proceedings of Society of Automotive Engineers/Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (SAE/IEEE) Vehicle Navigation and Information System '91 Conference, pp. 849 - 856, 1991.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Lam, S-H, "Multinomial Probit Model Estimation: Computational Procedures and Applications," Methods for Understanding Travel Behaviour in the 1990's, International Association for Travel Behaviour(IATB), pp. 228-242, 1991.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Jayakrishnan, R., "Urban Traffic Networks under Information: A Dynamic Simulation-Assignment Model," Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, 1991.
Mahmassani, H. S., Hatcher, G.S., and Caplice, C., "Daily Variation of Trip Chaining, Scheduling, and Path Selection Behaviour of Work Commuters," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Association for Travel Behaviour (IATB) Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 29-45, 1991.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Traffic Simulation Models: Workshop Report," in Yagar, Courage and Rome (eds.), Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference on Traffic Modeling, pp. 209-222, 1991.
Ziliaskopoulos, A. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Design and Implementation of a Shortest Path Algorithm with Time-Dependent Arc Costs," Proceedings of 5th Advanced Technology Conference, U.S. Postal Service, Washington D. C., 1992.
Mahmassani, H.S., Peeta, S., Hu, T-Y, and Ziliaskopoulos, A., "Algorithm for Dynamic Route Guidance in Congested Networks with Multiple User Information Availability Groups," Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, p. 273-280, 1993.
Mahmassani, H.S., Peeta, S., Hu, T-Y, and Rothery, R., "Effect of Real-Time Information on Network Performance Under Alternative Dynamic Assignment Rules," Transportation Planning Methods: Proceedings of Seminar D of the PTRC , European Transport , Highways, and Planning Summer Annual Meeting, Manchester, England, pp. 25-48, 1993.
Mahmassani, H.S., Peeta, S., Hu, T-Y, and Ziliaskopoulos, A, "Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Multiple User Classes for Real-Time ATIS/ATMS Applications," in Yagar and Santiago. (eds.) Large Urban Systems, US DOT, pp. 91-114, 1993.
Yen, J-R, Mahmassani, H.S. and Herman, R., "A Model of Employee Participation in Telecommuting Programs Based on Stated Preference Data," in Ortuzar, J. D. (ed.), Proceedings of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR 94) Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 799-814, Santiago, Chile, 1994.
Yen, J-R, Mahmassani, H.S. and Herman, R., "Energy Consumption Implications of Telecommuting Adoption," Proceedings of the National Policy Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems and the Environment, Washington, DC., 1994.
Mahmassani, H.S., Hu, T-Y, and Peeta, S., "Microsimulation Based Procedures for Dynamic Network Traffic Assignment," Proceedings of The 22nd European Transport Forum, The Planning and Transport Research and Computation International Association (PTRC) Summer Annual Meeting), University of Warwick, England, 1994.
Jou, R-C and Mahmassani, H.S., "Day-to-Day Dynamics of Commuter Travel Behaviour in an Urban Environment-Departure Time, and Route Decisions," in Ortuzar, J. D,. (ed.)Proceedings of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR' 94) Conference, Vol. I, pp. 210-222, Santiago, Chile, 1994.
Miller, E.D., Mahmassani, H.S., and Ziliaskopoulous, A., "Path Search Techniques for Transportation Networks with Time Dependent Stochastic Arc Costs," Proceedings of the1994 Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Antonio, TX, 1994.
Regan, A.C., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., "Real-Time Information for Improved Efficiency of Commercial Vehicle Operations," Proceedings of the First World Conference on Applications Transport Telematics and Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems, Paris, France, 1994.
Hawas, Y. and Mahmassani, H.S., "A Decentralized Scheme for Real-Time Route Guidance in Vehicular Traffic Networks," Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Intelligent Transport, Yokohama, Japan, 1995.
Mahmassani, H. S. and Liu, Y-H, "Commuter Pre-Trip Decisions Route Choices and En-Route Path Selection under Real-Time Information: Experimental Results," Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Intelligent Transport , Yokohama, Japan, 1995.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Hu, T-Y, "Evaluation of Network Conditions With Advanced Information Systems in A Day-to-Day Framework," Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Intelligent Transport, Yokohama, Japan, 1995.
Mahmassani, H.S., Regan, A., and Jaillet, P., "Dynamic Vehicle Allocation Under Real Time Information: Operational Considerations and Potential Efficiencies," Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Intelligent Transport , Yokohama, Japan, 1995.
Regan, A., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., "Dynamic Dispatching Strategies Under Real-Time Information for Carrier Fleet Management," in Lesort, J. B. (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, (ISTT), Pergamon, pp. 737-756, 1996.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Liu, Y-H, "Day-to-Day Commuter Route Choice Behaviour under Real-Time Information," Proceedings of the 24th Planning and Transport Research and Computation International Association (PTRC) European Transport Forum, Brunel University, UK., 1996.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Hawas, Y., "Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment for Route Guidance: Comparison of Global Predictive vs. Local Reactive Strategies Under Stochastic Demands," Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems, Chania, Greece, June 1997.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Liu, Y-H, "Models of User Pre-Trip and En-Route Switching Decisions in Response to Real-Time Information," Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems, Chania, Greece, June 1997.
Hu, T-Y, and Mahmassani, H.S., “Simulation of Day-To-Day Behaviour Dynamics in Traffic Networks,” Proceedings of the International Association Travel Behaviour Research 1997 Conference, Austin, Texas, September 21-25, 1997.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Transportation Infrastructure for Strategic Mobility: Limits and Opportunity," Proceedings of the International Conference on Repair and Rehabilitation of Civil Engineering Infrastructure Systems, Beirut, Lebanon, June 1997.
Garrido, R.A., and Mahmassani, H.S., “Forecasting Freight Transportation Demand with the Space-Time Multinomial Probit Model,” Proceedings of the International Association Travel Behavior Research 1997 Conference, Austin, Texas, September 21-25, 1997.
Liu, Y-H and Mahmassani, H.S., “Global Maximum Likelihood Estimation Procedure of Multinomial Probit (MNP) Model Parameters,” Proceedings of the International Association Travel Behavior Research 1997 Conference, Austin, Texas, September 21-25, 1997.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Liu, Y-H, “Dynamics of Commuting Decision Behavior Under Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS),” Proceedings of the International Association Travel Behavior Research (IATBR) 1997 Conference, Austin, Texas, September 21-25, 1997.
Mahmassani, H.S., “A Distributed Simulation Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems Evaluation and Operation,” Proceedings of the Second LAAS International Conference on Computer Simulation, Beirut, Lebanon, September 1997.
Mahmassani, H.S., “Dynamic Traffic Simulation and Assignment: Models, Algorithms, and Applications to ATIS/ATMS Evaluation and Operation,” Proceedings of the Balatonfured Conference, Baltonfured, Hungary, February 1998.
Miller-Hooks, E., and Mahmassani, H.S., “On the Generation of Nondominated Paths in Stochastic, Time-Varying Networks,” Proceedings of the TRISTAN III Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 1998.
Hawas, Y.E., Mahmassani, H.S., and Chang, Y-C, “A Distributed Computational Architecture for a Centralized Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment Algorithm,” Proceedings of the TRISTAN III Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 17-23, 1998.
Regan, A.C., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., “Dynamic Re-Sequencing and En-Route Diversion Strategies for Carrier Fleet Operations: Simulation Investigation,” Proceedings of the TRISTAN III Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 17-23, 1998.
Kraan, M., Abdelghany, A.F., and Mahmassani, H.S., “Information Use and Tourist Preferences for Advanced Information Systems,” in Meersman, H., Van de Voorde, E. and Winkelmans, W. (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th (WCTR) World Conference on Transport Research, Vol. 1, Transport Models and Systems, pp. 395-408, Pergamon, 1999.
Abdelghany, A.F. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Micro-Assignment of Travel Demand with Activity/Trip Chains," 9th International Association of Travel Behavior Research (IATBR) Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, July 2-6, 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Huyuh, N., Srinivasan, K., and Kraan, M., "Tripmaker Choice Behavior for Shopping Trips under Real-Time Information: Results of Stated Preference Internet-Based Interactive Experiments," 9th International Association of Travel Behavior Research (IATBR) Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, July 2-6, 2000.
Kim, Y-J, Jaillet, P. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Dynamic Truck Operation Strategies for Truckload Pickup and Delivery Problems with Time Windows,” Proceedings of the TRISTAN IV Conference, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, Azores Island, Portugal June 10-22, 2001.
Chiu, Y-C and Mahmassani, H.S., “Toward Hybrid Dynamic Traffic Assignment-Models and Solution Procedures,” Proceedings of the 4th IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), pp. 245-250, Oakland, CA, August 2001.
Abdelfatah, A.S. and Mahmassani, H.S., “A Simulation-Based Signal Optimization Algorithm within a Dynamic Traffic Assignment Framework,” Proceedings of the 4th IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), pp.428-433, Oakland, CA, August 2001.
Adams, D., Smith, M., Chaturvedi, A. , Rotea, M., Hoffmann, C., Craig, B., Venkatasubramanian, V., Mahmassani, H., Pines, D., Meliopoulis, S., and Busemeyer, J., “Integrated prognostic system of systems health management” Materials Damage Prognosis - Proceedings of a Symposium of the Materials Science and Technology 2004 Conference , pp. 11-21, 2005.
Eisenman, S. and Mahmassani, HS. “A Mesoscopic Approach to the Simulation of Roundabouts”. National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board Meeting (84th: 2005: Washington, D.C.). Preprint CD-ROM, January 2005.
Chen R. and Mahmassani, HS. “A Queueing Process Model of Individual Activity Scheduling Behavior: Conceptual Framework”. National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board Meeting (84th: 2005 : Washington, D.C.). Preprint CD-ROM, January 2005.
Erdogan, S., Zhou, X. and Mahmassani, HS. “A DTA-based Network Extraction And Zonal Aggregation Procedure For Subarea Analysis of ITS Deployment Alternatives”, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress On Intelligent Transportation Systems, San Francisco, CA, November 2005.
Fei, X., Eisenman, S., Mahmassani, HS., Zhou, X. “Application of DYNASMART-X to the Maryland CHART Network Real-Time Traffic Management Center Decision Support”, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress On Intelligent Transportation Systems, San Francisco, CA, November 2005.
Hamdar, S.H. and Mahmassani, HS. “Modeling Driver Behavior Under Extreme Conditions”, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress On Intelligent Transportation Systems, San Francisco, CA, November 2005.
Sbayti, H. and Mahmassani, HS. “Faster to wait? Development and Evaluation of Staged Network Evacuation Strategies”, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress On Intelligent Transportation Systems, San Francisco, CA, November 2005.
Hamdar, SH, Eisenman, SM, and Mahmassani, HS., “Evaluation of Operational Strategies for Integrated Corridor Management”. National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board Meeting (85th: 2006: Washington, D.C.). Preprint CD-ROM, January 2006.
Mahmassani, HS., Lu, C.-C. and Dong, J. "Value of Information: Provision of Anticipatory Descriptive Travel Information through a Real-Time Traffic Estimation and Prediction System". Proceedings of the 12th World Congress On Intelligent Transportation Systems, San Francisco, CA, November 2005.
Min, Y. and Mahmassani, HS. “Dynamic Strategy Choice Behavior under Competitive Environment: Application to Electronic Freight Auction Marketplaces” 11th International Association of Travel Behavior Research (IATBR) Conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 2006.
Chen, R. and Mahmassani, HS. “Learning and Risk Attitudes in Route Choice Dynamics”, 11th International Association of Travel Behavior Research (IATBR) Conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 2006.
Kozuki, A., Mahmassani, HS, and Miller-Hooks, E. “Identifying Factors Affecting the Willingness to Implement European Policy on Rail Interoperability: An Econometric Analysis”. National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board Meeting (86th: 2007 : Washington, D.C.). Preprint CD-ROM, January 2007.
Dong, J., Erdogan, S., Lu, C.-C. and Mahmassani, HS (2007). “State-Dependent Pricing for Real-Time Freeway Management: Static, Reactive and Anticipatory”. National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board Meeting (86th: 2007 : Washington, D.C.). Preprint CD-ROM, January 2007.
Kozuki, A., and Mahmassani, HS. “Who is in Charge? A Framework for Inter-jurisdictional Collaborative Decision Making for Transportation Systems Operations”. National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board Meeting (86th: 2007 : Washington, D.C.). Preprint CD-ROM, January 2007.
Hamdar, SH., Mahmassani, HS., and Chen, R., “Aggressiveness Propensity Index for Driving Behavior at Signalized Intersections”. National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board Meeting (86th: 2007 : Washington, D.C.). Preprint CD-ROM.
Lu, Jason C.-C. and Mahmassani, HS. “Heterogeneous Users and Variable Road Pricing: Model and Algorithm for the Bi-Criterion Dynamic User Equilibrium Problem on Large Networks” Proceedings of the TRISTAN VI Conference, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, Phuket, Thailand, June 10-15, 2007.
Hamdar, SH., and Mahmassani, HS., “Driver Car-Following Behavior: From Discrete Event Process to Continuous Set of Episodes”. National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board Meeting (87th: 2008 : Washington, D.C.). Preprint CD-ROM.
Fei, X. and Mahmassani, HS., “Two-Stage Stochastic Model for Sensor Location Problem in a Large-Scale Network”. National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board Meeting (87th: 2008 : Washington, D.C.). Preprint CD-ROM.
Zhang, K., Mahmassani, HS. and Lu, C.-C. “Probit-Based Time-Dependent Stochastic User Equilibrium: Reformulation and Solution Algorithm” Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2009.
Kozuki, A. and Mahmassani, HS., “Information Acquisition and Social Interaction Mechanisms in Opinion Formation and Market Adoption of Transportation Services” Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2009.
Chen, R. and Mahmassani, HS., “Fueling Inefficiency: Checked Baggage Fees and Aircraft Turnaround Times” Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2009.
Chen, R. and Mahmassani, HS., “Back to Basics: Demand, Supply, and Emissions Analysis for Urban Mobility Interventions” Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2009.
Hamdar, SH., and Mahmassani, HS., “Calibration of a Stochastic Car-Following Model Using Trajectory Data: Exploration and Model Properties” Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2009.
Qin, X. and Mahmassani, HS., “Adaptive Estimation of Speed-Density Relations for Online Network Traffic Prediction”, Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2009.
Alfelor, R., Mahmassani, HS., and Dong, J., “Incorporating Weather Impacts in Traffic Estimation and Prediction Systems”, Compendium of Technical Papers, Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, August 2009.
Sbayti, H. and Mahmassani, HS. “A Second-Order Route-Swapping Heuristic for the System-Optimal Dynamic Traffic Assignment Problem” Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2010.
Dong, J., Mahmassani, HS. and Alfelor, R. “Incorporating Adverse Weather Impacts in Dynamic Traffic Simulation-Assignment Models: Methodology and Application” Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2010.
Alibabai, H. and Mahmassani, HS. “Non Monotonicity of Path Travel Time in Dynamic Traffic Assignment: Implications for Solution Existence and Practical Algorithms” Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2010.
Zhang, K., Lu, C.-C. and Mahmassani, HS. “Dynamic Pricing, Heterogeneous Users and Perception Error: Probit-Based Bi-Criterion Dynamic Stochastic User Equilibrium Assignment” Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2010.
Chen, R., Mahmassani, HS., Huang, Y., Contractor, N. and Williams, D. “Travel and Activity Behaviors in Virtual World Environments” Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2010.
Hamdar, SH., Mahmassani, HS. and Treiber, M. “Individual Variations versus Collective Traffic Patterns: Heterogeneity Effect in a Risk-Taking Environment” Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2010.
Dong, J., Mahmassani, HS. and Alfelor, R. “Weather Responsive Traffic Management: Deployment of Real-Time Traffic Estimation and Prediction Systems” Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2010.
Alibabai, H. and Mahmassani, HS, “Foxes and Sheep: Effect of Predictive Logic in Dynamics of Route Choice Behavior” Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2011.
Alibabai, H. and Mahmassani, HS., “On Properties of Simulated Experienced Path Travel Times: Piecewise Concavity and Discontinuity”, Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2011.
Dong, J., and Mahmassani, HS. “Predicting Flow Breakdown Probability and Duration in Stochastic Network Models: Impact on Travel Time Reliability” Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2011.
Frei, C. and Mahmassani, HS., “Private Time on Public Transit: Dimensions of Information and Telecommunication Use of Chicago Transit Riders”, Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2011.
Zhang, K., Mahmassani, HS. and Vovsha, P. “Integrated Nested Logit Mode Choice and Dynamic Network Micro-assignment Model Platform to Support Congestion and Pricing Studies: The New York Metropolitan Case” Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2011.
Frei, C., Saberi, M. and Mahmassani, HS., “Understanding the Impact of Driver Attitudes and Behavior on Sign Comprehension: Experiences with Clearview Font”, 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation Compendium of Papers DVD, September 2011.
Nair, R., Mahmassani, HS, and Miller-Hooks, E. “A Porous Flow Model for Disordered Heterogeneous Traffic Streams”, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2012.
Alibabai, H. and Mahmassani, HS, “Perturbation Analysis Approach to the Evaluation of Simulated Path Travel Time Marginals: Application to System Optimal Dynamic Network Assignment”, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2012.
Lindsey, C., Mahmassani, HS, Mullarkey, M., Nash, T. and Rothberg, S., “Industrial Space Demand and Intermodal Transportation Activity: Exploring the Connection”, Proceedings of 1st National Conference on Intermodal Transportation: Problems, Practices, and Policy, pp. pp 104-113, October 2012.
Lindsey, C., Frei, A., Alibabai, H., Mahmassani, HS, Park, Y-W, Klabjan, D., Reed, M., Langheim, G. and Keating, T., “Modeling Carrier Truckload Freight Rates in Spot Markets”, Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2013.
Jiang, L. and Mahmassani, HS, “City Logistics: Freight Management with Time-Dependent Travel Times and Application to Large-Scale Networks”, Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2013.
Frei, C., Mahmassani, HS and Saberi, M., “Enhanced Sign Legibility and Recognition with the Clearview Font: A Field Study of Illinois Drivers”, Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2013.
Talebpour, A., Mahmassani, HS and Kim, J., “Toward Capturing Sources of Travel Time Unreliability in Microscopic Traffic Models: Driver Heterogeneity, Flow Breakdown, and Crash Occurrence” Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, January 2013.
Lindsey, C., Frei, A., Mahmassani, HS, Park, Y-W, Klabjan, D., Reed, M., Langheim, G. and Keating, T., “Pricing of Shipments and Sourcing of Capacity for Third-Party Logistics Provider”, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals’ Educators’ Conference Proceedings, October 20, 2013.
Zockaie, A., Chen, Y. and Mahmassani, HS., “Adaptive drivers and time-dependent origin–destination demand estimation: methodology and application to large-scale network”, Proc. of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2014.
Kim, J. and Mahmassani, HS., “Compound Gamma Representation for Modeling Vehicle-to-vehicle and Day-to-day Travel Time Variability in a Traffic Network”, Proc. of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2014.
Hou, T. and Mahmassani, HS., “The Influence of Stop Time on Arterial Travel Time Variability”, Proc. of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2014.
Talebpour, A. and Mahmassani, HS., “Modeling Acceleration Behavior in a Connected Environment”, Celebrating 50 Years of Traffic Flow Theory: A Symposium, Transportation Research Circular E-C197, Transportation Research Boarch, Washington, DC 2015.
Kim, J., Mahmassani, HS., Hou, T. and Alfelor, R. “Development of Real-Time Simulation-Based Decision Support System for Weather Responsive Traffic Signal Operations”, Proceedings of the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, October 2014.
Chen, Y., Kim, J. and Mahmassani, HS. “Pattern Recognition Using Clustering Algorithm for Scenario Definition in Traffic Simulation-Based Decision Support Systems ”, Proceedings of the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, October 2014.
Chen, R. and Mahmassani, HS., “A Queueing Framework and Analysis of Observed One-Day Travel and Activity Patterns”, Proc. of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2015.
Chen, Y., Frei, A. and Mahmassani, HS. “Exploring Activity and Destination Choice Behavior in Social Networking Data”, Proc. of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2015.
Chen, Y., Talebpour, A. and Mahmassani, HS. “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive on Bad Routes: Modeling the Impact of Social Networks on Drivers’ Route Choice Behavior”, Proc. of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2015.
Kim, J. and Mahmassani, HS., “Trajectory Clustering for Discovering Spatial Traffic Flow Patterns in Road Networks”, Proc. of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2015.
Talebpour, A. and Mahmassani, HS., “Influence of Autonomous and Connected Vehicles on Stability of Traffic Flow”, Proc. of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2015.
Halat, H., Saberi, M., and Mahmassani, HS. “Land Use and Travel Behavior: Empirical Evidence of the Effects of Mixed-Use Development on Travel Mode Choice in Chicago”. Proc. of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2015.
Zhong, Z., Mahmassani, HS., and Chen, Y. “Empirical Analysis of Freeway Flow Breakdown and Recovery: The Effect of Snow Weather”. Proc. of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2015.
Zockaie, A., Mahmassani, HS and Kim, J. “Network-wide Time-dependent Link Travel Time Distributions with Temporal and Spatial Correlations”. Proc. of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2016.
Frei, C., Hyland, M. and Mahmassani, HS. “Assessing the Potential for Demand Adaptive Transit via a Stated Preference Choice Survey”. Proc. of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2016.
Hong, Z., Xu, S. and Mahmassani, HS. “Network Topology Aware Moving Object Trajectory Clustering”. Proc. of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2016.
Hong, Z., Mittal, A. and Mahmassani, HS. “Effect of Bicycle-sharing on Public Transport Accessibility: Application to Chicago Divvy Bicycle-sharing System”. Proc. of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2016.
Hong, Z., Chen, Y., Mahmassani, HS. and Xu, S. “Spatial Trajectory Clustering for Potential Route Identification and Participation Analysis for Carpool Commuters”. Proc. of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2016.
Elfar, A., Talebpour, A. and Mahmassani, HS. “Analyzing Queue Warning in Connected Environment: A Micro Simulation Approach”. Proc. of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2016.
Chen, Y., Mahmassani, HS. and Zhao, F. “Space, Friendship and Virtual Social Networks: Properties of Location-based Social Networks and Travelers’ Destination Choice”. Proc. of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2017.
Chen, Y., Mittal, A. and Mahmassani, HS. “Twitter or Chatter? Involving Social Media Data Analysis in Traffic Incident Management”. Proc. of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2017.
Xu, X., Mahmassani, HS., Hong, Z. and Alfelor, R. “Dynamic Predictive Strategies for Urban Snowplow Routing”. Proc. of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2017.
Hyland, M. F., Bou Mjahed, L., & Mahmassani, HS. “Examining Drivers of Rail Transport Rates over Time: Econometric Analysis” Proc. of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2017.
Verbas, O., Mahmassani, HS., Elfar, A., Mittal, A. and Ostojic, M. “Modeling the Safety Effects of Red-Light Camera Enforcement with Spillover Effects”. Proc. of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2017.
C. Other Publications
Sinha, K. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Assessing Transportation Needs for Medical Purposes in Northwestern Indiana," in Transportation for the Elderly and Handicapped: Programs and Problems, U.S. DOT. pp. 50-53, 1978.
Sheffi, Y., Powell, W., and Mahmassani, H.S., "NETVAC-10: A New Generation of Network Evacuation Models," 60th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 1981.
Walton, C.M., Souleyrette, R., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Tolling Concepts in Highway Financing: Texas Experience," in Hoel, L. (ed.), Innovative Financing for Transportation: Practical Solutions and Experiences, U.S. DOT, 1986.
Mahmassani, H.S., Jones, E., Herman, R., and Walton, C.M., "Travel Time Variability in a Commuting Corridor: Implications for Electronic Route Guidance," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, San Diego, CA, 1989.
Tong, C.C. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Alternative Model Structures for the Day-to-Day Dynamics of Departure Time and Route Choice Decisions in Commuting Systems," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Association for Travel Behaviour, Quebec, Canada, May 1991.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Lam, S-H, "A Database Management System for Transit Operations Planning," in Cohn and Rasdorf (eds.), Computing in Civil Engineering and Symposium on Data Bases, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 509-519, 1991.
Mahmassani, H.S., Peeta, S., Rothery, R. and Herman, R., "Effectiveness of Real Time Information Strategies in Situations of Non-recurrent Congestion," in Stephanedes and Sinha (eds.), Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 409-413, 1991.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Day-to-Day Variability of Urban Commuter Behaviour," Proceedings of The VIII Pan-American Congress on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Caracas, Venezuela, September 1992.
Dickerson, B. and Mahmassani, H.S., "The Undergraduate Summer Internship in Transportation: An Effective Graduate Student Recruiting Tool," Proceedings of the Centennial-Year Meeting at the Gulf-Southwest Section of the American Society for Engineering Education, 1993.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Peeta, S.,"System Optimal Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Congested Networks," in N. Gartner and G. Improta (eds.), Compendium of 2nd Capri Seminar on Urban Traffic Networks, Capri, Italy, 1993.
Mahmassani, H.S., Hu, T-Y, and Jayakrishnan, R., "Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Simulation for Advanced Network Informatics," in N. Gartner and G. Improta (eds.)Compendium of 2nd Capri Seminar on Urban Traffic Networks, Capri, Italy, 1993.
Jayakrishnan, R., Mahmassani, H.S., and Rathi, U., "User-friendly Simulation Model for Traffic Networks with ATIS/ATMS," Proceedings of 5th International American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Anaheim, CA, 1993.
Regan, A.C., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., "Dynamic Vehicle Allocation under Real-Time Information: Operational Conditions and Potential Efficiencies," Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering, Capri, Italy, June 27-30, 1995.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Tribute to Robert Herman," Transportation Science, Vol. 31, No. 2, May 1997.
Mahmassani, H.S., “The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Third Party Logistics Providers and Freight Transport Out-Sourcing,” Proceedings of the Transport Canada Seminar, Ottawa, Canada, November 27, 1998.
Regan, A.C., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., “Dynamic Fleet Management for Trucking Operations,” World Markets Series: Business Briefing, Global Truck and Commercial Vehicle Technology: An Analysis of the Truck and Commercial Vehicle Industry and Perspectives on the Future, pp. 31-35, World Markets Research Center, August 1999.
Mahmassani, H.S., “Traveler Behaviour and Intelligent Transportation Systems,” foreword, Transportation Research C, Vol. 7C, No. 2/3, pp. 73-74, April/June 1999.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Setting Targets for Passenger Transport in Lebanon: Issues and Approaches," Proceedings of the Workshop on Land Transport Policy for Lebanon, Baaj, M.H. (editor), Panel VI, part 6.1, pp. 155-156, 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., “Policy Applications of Travel Behaviour Models,” foreword, published in Transportation Research A, Vol. 34A, No. 5, pp. 1-2, June 2000.
D. Books, Chapters of Books; Editor of Books
Mahmassani, H.S., (Contributing author) Probability and Statistics Exam File, Engineering Press, San Jose, CA, 1985, pp. 346.
Chang, G-L and Mahmassani, H.S., "The Dynamics of Commuting Decision Behaviour in Urban Transportation Networks," in Gerardin (ed.), Travel Behaviour Research, Avebury, Gower, Aldershot, England, pp. 15-26, 1989.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Mouskos, K., "Vectorization of Transportation Network Equilibrium Assignment Codes," in Sharda and Golden (eds.) Impact of Recent Computer Advances on Operations Research, North-Holland, pp. 71-81, 1989.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Herman, R., "Interactive Experiments for the Study of Trip maker Behaviour Dynamics in Congested Commuting Systems," in Jones, P. (ed.) Developments in Dynamic and Activity-Based Approaches to Travel Analysis, Gower, Aldershot, England, pp. 272-298, 1990.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Peeta, S., "System Optimal Dynamic Assignment for Electronic Route Guidance in a Congested Traffic Network," refereed chapter in Gartner and Improta, (Eds.) Urban Traffic Networks: Dynamic Flow Modelling and Control, pp. 3-37, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995.
Regan, A., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., "Dynamic Dispatching Strategies Under Real-Time Information for Carrier-Fleet Management," refereed chapter in Lesort, J. B. (ed.), Transportation and Traffic Theory: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium, pp. 737-756, Pergamon, UK, 1996.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Dynamics of Commuter Behaviour: Recent Research and Continuing Challenges," Chapter 12, in Understanding Travel Behaviour in an Era of Change, First Edition, pp. 279-313, Pergamon: Elsevier Science Inc., Tarrytown, New York, 1997.
Mahmassani, H.S., Hatcher, S.C. and Caplice, C.G., "Daily Variation of Trip Chaining, Scheduling and Path Selection Behaviour of Work Commuters," Chapter 15, Part III, Understanding Travel Behaviour in an Era of Change, First Edition, pp. 351-379, Pergamon: Elsevier Science Inc., Tarrytown, New York, 1997.
Mahmassani, H.S., and Jou, R-C, “Bounded Rationality in Commuter Decision Dynamics: Incorporating Trip Chaining in Departure Time and Route Switching Decisions,” Gärling, Laitila and Westin (eds.) Theoretical Foundations of Travel Choice Modeling, Chapter 9, Pergamon, pp. 201-229, 1998.
Yen, J-R, Mahmassani, H.S., and Herman, R., “A Model of Employee Participation in Telecommuting Programs Based on Stated Preference Data,” in Ortuzar, J.D., Hensher, D. and Jara-Díaz, S. (eds.), Travel Behaviour Research: Updating the State of Play, Part 2, Chapter 10, pp. 161-179, Pergamon, 1998.
Jou, R-C and Mahmassani, H.S., “Day-to-Day Dynamics of Urban Commuter Departure Time and Route Switching Decisions: Joint Model Estimation,” in Juan de Dios Ortuzar, David Hensher and Sergio Jara-Díaz (Eds.), Travel Behaviour Research: Updating the State of Play, Part IV, Chapter 20, pp. 365-384, Pergamon, 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Dynamic Traffic Simulation and Assignment: Models, Algorithms, and Applications to ATIS/ATMS Evaluation and Operation," in Labbé, M., Laporte, Tanczos, K. and Toint, P. (eds.) Operations Research and Decision Aid Methodologies in Traffic and Transportation Management, NATO ASI Series, Springer, pp. 104-132, 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., "In Memoriam: Robert Herman," in Ceder, A. (ed.) Transportation and Traffic Theory, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Pergamon, 1999.
Mahmassani, H. S., "Trip Timing," Chapter 23, in Hensher, D. and Button, K. (eds.) Handbook of Transport Modeling, Handbooks in Transport, Vol. 1, pp. 393-405, Pergamon, 2000, Elsevier Science Ltd..
Mahmassani, H.S. (ed.), In Perpetual Motion: Travel Behaviour Research Opportunities and Application Challenges, Pergamon, 2002.
AlGadhi, S.A.H., Mahmassani, H.S., and Herman, R., “A Speed-Concentration Relation for Bi-directional Crowd Moments with Strong Interaction,” Chapter 1 in Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, edited by M. Schreckenburg, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
Srinivasan, K.K., and Mahmassani, H.S., “Kernel Logit Method for the Longitudinal Analysis of Discrete Choice Data: Some Numerical Experiments,” Chapter 27 in Travel Behavior Research: The Leading Edge, edited by D. A. Henscher, Pergamon, 2001.
Mahmassani, H.S., “Freight and Commercial Vehicle Applications Workshop Report,” Chapter 15 in Travel Behaviour Research: The Leading Edge, edited by D. A. Henscher, Pergamon, 2001.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Abdelghany, K.F., ”Dynasmart-IP: Dynamic Traffic Assignment Meso-Simulator For Intermodal Networks” , Chapter 10 in Advanced Modeling for Transit Operations and Service Planning edited by H.W. Lam and M.G.H. Bell, Pergamon, 2003.
Mahmassani, H.S., and Srinivasan, K.K., “Experiments with Route and Departure Time Choices of Commuters under real-time Information: Heuristics and Adjustment Processes,” Chapter 4 in Human Behaviour and Traffic Networks, edited by M. Schreckenburg and R. Selten, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
Mahmassani, H.S., and Zhou, X., “Transportation System Intelligence: Performance Measurement and Real-Time Traffic Estimation and Prediction in a Day-to-Day Learning Framework,” Chapter 16 in Advances in Control, Communication Networks, and Transportation Systems, In Honor of Pravin Varaiya, edited by E. Abed, Birkhauser, 2005.
Mahmassani, H.S. (ed.), Transportation and Traffic Theory: Flow, Dynamics and Human Interaction, Elsevier, 2005.
Figliozzi, M. A., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., “Repeated Auction Games and Learning Dynamics in Electronic Logistics Marketplaces: Complexity, Bounded Rationality, and Regulation through Information”, Chapter 6 in Managing Complexity: Insights, Concepts, Applications, edited by D. Helbing, Springer, 2008.
Dong, J. and Mahmassani, H.S., " Flow Breakdown, Travel Reliability and Real-time Information in Route Choice Behavior," refereed chapter in Lam, W. et al. (eds.), Transportation and Traffic Theory: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium, Springer, 2009.
Mahmassani, HS., “Learning from Interactive Experiments: Travel Behavior and Complex System Dynamics”, (Refereed) Chapter 6 in Kitamura, Yoshii and Yamamoto (eds.) The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behavior Research, Emerald Group Pub., 2009.
Chen, RB. and Mahmassani, HS., “Learning and Risk Attitudes in Route Choice Dynamics”, (Refereed) Chapter 36 in Kitamura, Yoshii and Yamamoto (eds.) The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behavior Research, Emerald Group Pub., 2009.
Hamdar, S. and Mahmassani, HS., “Colliding Particles: Beyond Accident-Free Car Following Models”, (Refereed) Chapter 6 in in Appert-Rolland, Chevoir, Gondret, Lassarre, Lebacque and Schreckenberg (eds.) Traffic and Granular Flow ’07, Part I, pp. 65-84, Springer, 2009.
Giesen, R., Mahmassani, H.S. and Jaillet, P., “Logistics in Real-Time: Inventory-Routing Operations under Stochastic Demand”, in Bertazzi, Speranza and Nunen (eds.), Innovations in Distribution Logistics, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 619, pp. 109-148, Springer, 2009.
Nair, R., Mahmassani, HS, and Miller-Hooks, E., “A porous flow approach to modeling heterogeneous traffic in disordered systems”, in Cassidy and Skabardonis (eds.), 19th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT 2011), Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 17, pp. 611-627, 2011.
Saberi, M., Mahmassani, HS, and Zockaie, A., “Urban Network Gridlock: Theory, Characteristics, and Dynamics”, in Hoogendoorn, Knoop and van Lint (eds.), 20th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT 2013), Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 80, pp. 79–98, 2013.
Chow, JYJ, Jayakrishnan, R. and Mahmassani, HS., “Is transport modeling education too multi-disciplinary? A manifesto on the search for its evolving identity”, (Refereed) forthcoming in Miller and Roorda (eds.) IATBR 2012 International Association of Travel Behavior Research, 2013.
Talebpour, A., Mahmassani, HS, and Hamdar, SH., “Modeling lane-changing behavior in a connected environment: A game theory approach”, in Kuwahara, Kita and Asakura (eds.), 21st International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT 2015), Transportation Research Procedia Vol. 7, pp. 420-440, 2015.
Schofer, J. and Mahmassani, HS (Editors). Mobility 2050: A Vision for Transportation Infrastructure. Northwestern Universty Transportation Center, 2016.
Mahmassani, H.S., Nie, M. and Smilowitz, K. (eds.), Papers Selected for the 22nd International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory Chicago, Illinois, USA, 24-26 July, 2017., Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 23, Pages 1-1078. Elsevier, 2017.
Calvert, S., Mahmassani, H., Meier, J. N., Varaiya, P., Hamdar, S., Chen, D., ... & Mattingly, S. P. Traffic Flow of Connected and Automated Vehicles: Challenges and Opportunities. In Road Vehicle Automation 4, pp. 235-245. Springer, Cham, 2018.
- Volmuller and R. Hamerslag (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, VNU Science Press, 1984; Transportation Science, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1985.
Daughety, A.F., Analytical Studies in Transport Economics, Cambridge University Press, 1985; Transportation Science 22, No. 3, pp. 228-229, 1988.
Daughety, A.F., Analytical Studies in Transport Economics, Cambridge University Press, 1985; Interfaces 18, No. 5, pp. 98-100, 1988.
Technical Reports
Sinha, K. and Mahmassani, H.S., "An Evaluation of the Transportation Needs of the Elderly for Medical Trips in Northwestern Indiana," Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 1977.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Framework for the Transferability of Trip Generation Parameters for Small Urban Areas in Indiana," Interim Report # FHWA/ISHC/JHRP-78/13, Joint Highway Research Project, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, August 1978.
Mahmassani, H.S., "Impact of Airport Use Restrictions on the Demand for Air Cargo: Analysis Tools and Their Implementation," CTS Report #79-13, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, October 1979.
Mahmassani, H.S., "A Model of the Operations of Air Freight Forwarders Under Airport Use Restrictions," CTS Report #79-8, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, MIT, Cambridge, MA, May 1979.
Sheffi, Y., Mahmassani, H.S., and Powell, W., "NETVAC 1: A Transportation Network Evacuation Model," CTS Report #80-14, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, June 1980.
Sinha, K., Mahmassani, H.S., Mekemson, J. and Hanscom, E., "Use of Synthetic Demand Modeling Techniques in Transportation Planning for Small Urban Areas in Indiana," Final Report # FHWA/ISHC/JHRP-80/9, Joint Highway Research Project, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, August 1980.
Cooper, E. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Characteristics of the Recent Industrial Development in Northwest Indiana," Interim Report, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, October 1982.
Mahmassani, H.S., co-authored with the M.I.T. Cairo Urban Transportation Project, "Project Programming in Urban Transportation: Methodology Prepared for Cairo, Egypt," Final Report, Technology Adaptation Program, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, 1982.
Sheffi, Y., Powell, W., Mahmassani, H.S., and Klimm, B., "NETVAC 2: User's Manual," HMM Associates, Lexington, MA, 1982.
Allen, P., Chang, G-L, Engelen, G., Herman, R., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Modelling the Evolution of the U.S. Spatial Structure," Report No. Purdue/DOT-CSSM-83-8, Center for Studies in Statistical Mechanics and Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1983.
Mahmassani, H.S., Winer, R., and Walton, C.M., "Financing of Local Road Maintenance in Texas: Trends, Intergovernmental Relations, and Prospects," Report No. CTR-70, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1984.
Mahmassani, H.S., "A Study of the Response Time Performance of Yellow Checker Taxicab Transportation Services in Austin, Texas," report for the Yellow Checker Cab Company, Austin, Texas, 1984.
Mahmassani, H.S., "A Study of the Response Time Characteristics of Harlem Taxicab Transportation Services in Austin, Texas," report to the Harlem Cab Company, Austin, Texas, 1984.
Mahmassani, H.S., Walton, C.M., Mouskos, K., Massimi, J., and Levinton, I., "A Methodology for the Assessment of Truck Lane Needs in the Texas Highway Network," Research Report 356-3F, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, November 1985.
Mouskos, K., Mahmassani, H.S., and Walton, C.M., "Network Assignment Methods for the Analysis of Truck-Related Highway Improvements," Research Report Number 356-2, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, November 1985.
Massimi, J., Mahmassani, H.S., and Walton, C.M., "Truck Lane Needs Methodology: A Heuristic Approach to Solve a Five-Option Discrete Network Design Problem," Research Report Number 356-1, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, November 1985.
Carey, D. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Air Transportation Implications of High Technology Economic Development," Report No. CTR-71, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, July 1985.
Mahmassani, H.S. and Walton, C.M., "Location Study for School Bus Garage Facility," Round Rock Independent School System, Round Rock, TX, July 1985.
Mahmassani, H.S., Herman, R., Walton, C.M., Baaj, M.H., Govind, S., Tong, C-C, and Williams, J.C., "Characterizing the Evolution of Urban Patterns & Traffic Network Performance," Research Report GM-1986-F, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, November 1986.
Souleyrette II, R., Walton, C.M., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Identification of Candidate Toll Roads in Current and Future Highway Development," Research Report 413-1F, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, August 1986.
McIntyre, R., Mahmassani, H.S., Walton, C.M., and Machemehl, R.B., "Rural Public Transportation Demand: Characteristics and Estimation Methodology," Research Report 1080-F, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, March 1986.
Mahmassani, H.S., Jayakrishnan, R., Mouskos, K., and Herman, R., "Network Traffic Simulation and Assignment: Super computer Applications," Research Report CRAY-SIM-1988-F, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, May 1988.
Mahmassani, H.S., Herman, R., Walton, C.M., Jones, E.G., Baaj, H., and Jayakrishnan, R., "Travel Time Characteristics and Opportunities for Real-Time Information Systems in an Urban Commuting Corridor," Research Report GM-1989-F, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1989.
Albee, K.E., Mahmassani, H.S., and Walton, C.M., "Fare Policies and Pricing Strategies For the Capital Metro Transit System," Research Report CMT-PRCNG-89-F, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, February 1989.
Stephan, D. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Route Choice and Departure Time Decision Dynamics of Urban Commuters," Research Report NSF-ECE-8610459-1, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, June 1989.
Lam, S-H, Mahmassani, H.S., Gloyd, R.L., and Quiroz, D., "Database Management System Development for Transit Operations Planning," Research Report CMT-DBMS-89-F, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, July 1989.
Lam, S-H, Mahmassani, H.S. and Ku, D., "User's Guide to the Capital Metro Database Management System," Interim Technical Report CMT-DBMS-89-UG, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, August, 1989.
Sullivan, M. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Telecommuting-Travel Interactions: A Review," Research Report SWUTC 71248-18-1, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1990.
Baaj, M.H. and Mahmassani, H.S., "An A.I.-Oriented Decision Support System for Bus Transit Network Design," Research Report SWUTC 71248-16-1, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1990.
Taylor, D., Euritt, M., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Documentation for CNG Fleet Conversion Cost-Effectiveness Model," Research Report 983-1, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, December 1991.
Mahmassani, H.S., Peeta, S., Junchaya, T., and Chang, G-L, "A Review of Dynamic Assignment and Traffic Stimulation Models for ATIS/ATMS Applications," Technical Report DTFH61-90-R-00074-1, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1991.
Taylor, D., Euritt, M., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Analysis of Vehicular Fleet Operation on Alternative Fuels: Natural Gas and Propane," Research Report 983-4, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, August 1992.
Taylor, D., Euritt, M. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Documentation for Propane Fleet Conversion Cost-Effectiveness Model," Research Report 983-3, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, August 1992.
Euritt, M., Taylor, D., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Cost Effectiveness Analysis of TxDOT CNG Fleet Conversion," Research Report 983-2, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, August 1992.
Helaakoski, R., Mahmassani, H.S., Walton, C.M., Euritt, M.A., Harrison, R., and Anderson, S.J., "Economic Effects of Highway Bypasses on Business Activities in Small Cities," Research Report 1247-1, Center for Transportation Research, Austin, TX, October 1992.
Anderson, S.J., Mahmassani, H.S., Walton, C.M., Euritt, M.A., and Harrison, R., Technical Report 1247-2, "Traffic and Spatial Impacts and the Classification of Small Highway-Bypassed Cities," Center for Transportation Research Development, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, October 1992.
Euritt, M., Taylor, D.B., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Cost Effectiveness Analysis of TxDOT LPG Fleet Conversion, Volume I & II, Research Report 983-4/1 and 983-4/2, Center for Transportation Research, Austin, TX, October 1992 and November 1992 respectively.
Euritt, M., Taylor, D.B., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Conversion-Volume One," TxDOT Project # 3-4-90/2/983, Research Report # 983-2/1, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX August 1992.
Anderson, S.J., Harrison, R., Euritt, M.A., Mahmassani, H.S., Walton, C. M., and Helaaskoski, R., "Economic Effects of Highway Bypasses on Business Activities in Small Cities," Research Report 1247-3F, Center for Transportation Research, Austin, TX, November 1992.
Taylor, D.B., Mahmassani, H.S., and Euritt, M.A., "Vehicular Fleet Operation on Natural Gas and Propane: An Overview," Research Report # 983-5F, Center for Transportation Research, Austin, TX, November 1992.
Joseph, T., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jou, R-C, "Dynamic Framework for the Analysis of User Responses to Traffic System Disruptions and Control Actions," TxDOT Project # 3-18-89/1-1216, Research Report 1216-2F, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, November 1992.
Jou, R-C, Mahmassani, H.S., and Joseph, T., "Daily Variability of Commuter Decisions: Dallas Survey Results," Research Report 1216-1, Center for Transportation Research, Austin, TX, December 1992.
Mahmassani, H.S., Hu, T-Y, Peeta, S., and Ziliaskopoulos, A., "Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Simulation Procedures for ADIS/ATMS Applications: Technical Documentation," U.S. DOT Technical Report DTFH61-90-R-00074-FT, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, May 1993.
Jayakrishnan, R. and Mahmassani, H.S., "In-Vehicle Information Systems for Network Traffic Control: A Simulation Framework to Study Alternative Guidance Strategies," Technical Report 71248-1, Southwest University Transportation Center, College Station, TX, February 1993.
Sullivan, M., Mahmassani, H.S., and Herman, R., "Telecommunications-Transportation-Energy Interaction: The Potential for Telecommuting to Reduce Urban Network-Wide Fuel Consumption," Technical Report # SWUTC/93/60018-1, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, November, 1993.
Jayakrishnan, R., Mahmassani, H.S., Cohen, M., Kim, J., and Hu, T-Y, "A Simulation-Based Framework for the Analysis of Traffic Networks Operating with Real-Time Information," Technical Report UCB-ITS-PRR-93-25, California Path Program, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, CA, November 1993.
Palamarthy, S., Mahmassani, H.S., and Machemehl, R., "Models of Pedestrian Crossing Behaviour at Signalized Intersections," Technical Research Report 1296-1, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas, Austin, TX, January 1994.
Otis, S., Mahmassani, H.S., Machemehl, R., and Palamarthy, S. "Pedestrian Signals: Warrants and Effectiveness," Technical Report 1296-2F, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas, Austin, TX, May 1994.
Mahmassani, H.S., Hu, T-Y, Peeta, S., and Ziliaskopoulos, A., "Development and Testing of Dynamic Assignment and Simulation Procedure for ATIS/ATMS Applications," Report DTFH61-C-00074-FG, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas, Austin, TX, June 1994.
Mahmassani, H.S., Hawas, Y., Lin, H-H, Abdelfatah, A., Miller, E., and Hu, T-Y, "Sensitivity Tests and Guidelines for the System Optimal Dynamic Traffic Assignment Procedure for ATIS/ATMS," Technical Report DTFH61-90-C-00074-BX, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas, Austin, TX, August 1994.
Yen, J-R and Mahmassani, H.S., "The Telecommuting Adoption Process: Conceptual Framework and Model Development," Technical Research Report 60055-F, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas, Austin, TX, August 1994.
Ramachandran, S., Mahmassani, H.S., and Hu, T-Y, "Guidelines for PC-Executable Version of Dynamic Network Simulation-Assignment Model," Technical Report E DTFH61-90-C-00074-C.2.B, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas, Austin, TX, October 1994.
Mattingly, S.P., Ardekani, S.A., Govind, S., Demers, A., Mahmassani, H.S., and Taylor, D.B. "Detection and Mitigation of Roadway Hazards for Bicyclists," Technical Report # 1394-1, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas, Austin, TX, November 1994.
Lerner, N.D., Dekker, D.K., Benel, D.C.R., Rabinovich, B.A., Mahmassani, H.S., Liu, Y-H, Klein, G., Hutton, R. Srinivasan, R., and Jovanis, P., "Analysis of Travelers' Preferences for Routing: Task A: Literature Review," Contract #DTFH61-C-00017, COMSIS Corporation, Silver Springs, MD, December 1995.
Lerner, N., Dekker, D., Benel, D., Mahmassani, H.S., Jovanis, P., Klein, G., and Hutton, R., "Analysis of Travelers' Preferences for Routing: Task C: Human Factors Research Issues and Rationale," Contract #DTFH61-C-00017, COMSIS Corporation, Silver Springs, MD, December 1995.
Demers, A., Suddarth, A., Mahmassani, H.S., Ardekani, S.A.., and Govind, S., "Bicycle Hazard Mitigation Manual," Technical; Research Report 1394-1, Center for Transportation Research, Bureau of Engineering Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, December 1995.
Ardekani, S.A., Govind, S., Mattingly, S.P. Demers, A., Mahmassani, H.S., and Taylor, D., "Detection and Mitigation of Roadway Hazards for Bicyclists," Technical Research Report 1394-2F, Center for Transportation Research, Bureau of Engineering Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, December 1995.
Hawas, Y. and Mahmassani, H S., "Functional Requirements Analysis of a Deployable Real-time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System," Technical Report ST067-85-Task A, Center for Transportation Research, Bureau of Engineering Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, January 1996.
Hawas, Y., Mahmassani, H.S., Hu, T-Y, Peeta, S., Chang, G-L, Taylor, R., and Ziliaskopoulos, A., "Review of Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Related Procedures for Real-Time ATMS/ATIS Operations," Technical Report #ST067-85-TASK B, Center for Transportation Research, Bureau of Engineering Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, January 1996.
Mahmassani, H.S., Moore, R., Kaysi, I., and Srinivasan, K. of the University of Texas, and Hutton, R., Klein Associates, Inc., "Task B Report: Information Needs of ATIS System Developers and Operating Agencies Regarding Travelers Responses to Information," Technical Report #FHWA No. DTFH61-95-C0-000, Center for Transportation Research, Bureau of Engineering Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, March 1996.
Hawas, Y. and Mahmassani, H.S. in collaboration with Chang, G-L., Peeta, S., Taylor, R., and Ziliaskopoulos, A., "Conceptual Design of Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System," Technical Report #ST067-85-TASK C, Center for Transportation Research, Bureau of Engineering Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, March 1996.
Bowler, L.A. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Routing Criteria and Models for Radioactive Materials: A Review," Technical Report submitted to U.S. Department of Energy Under Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC04-95AL85832 pass-through the Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium, Amarillo, TX, July 1997.
Miller-Hooks, E. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Optimal Routing of Spent Plutonium and Other Hazardous Substances in Time-Varying, Stochastic Transportation Networks," Technical Report submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy Under Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC04-95AL85832 pass-through the Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium, Amarillo, TX, June 1997.
Vora, V.P. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Development and Implementation of a Telecommuting Evaluation Framework and Modeling the Executive Telecommuting Adoption Process," Technical Report 60055/465590, The University of Texas, Center for Transportation Research, August 1997.
Fang, Y., Harrison, R., and Mahmassani, H.S., "Forecasting Freight Traffic Between the U.S. and Mexico," Technical Report 1319-2, Center for Transportation Research, Austin, Texas, September 1996.
Hawas, Y.E., Mahmassani, H.S., Chang, G-L, Peeta, S., and Taylor, R., "Analytical and Algorithmic Aspects of the Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment Procedures for ATIS/ATMS Operations, " Technical Report # ST067-85-TASK D, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, September 1996.
Hawas, Y.E., Mahmassani, H.S., Taylor, R., Ziliaskopoulos, A., Chang, G-L, and Peeta, S., “Development of DYNASMART-X Software for Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment," Technical Report ST067-85-TASK E, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, March 1997.
Strong, C., Harrison, R.,, and Mahmassani, H.S., "A Methodology for Determining The Freight Border Transportation Impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement," Technical Report 1319-4, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, December 1996.
Stravropoulos, A., Mahmassani, H.S., and Hawas, Y., “Development of Incident Prediction Algorithms for Freeway Traffic Management,” Technical Research Report # 7-2977-IF submitted to the Texas Department of Transportation by The Center for Transportation Research, November 1997.
Chiu, Y-C, Mahmassani, H.S., Ziliaskopoulos, A., Chang, G-L, Peeta, S., and Taylor, R., “Off-Line Laboratory Test Plan for Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment Systems (DYNASMART-X), Technical Report ST067-85-Task F, submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under Contract No. 85X-SU565C, July 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., Hawas, Y., Hu, T-Y, Ziliaskopoulos, A., Chang, G-L, Peeta, S., and Taylor, R., “Development of Dynasmart-X Software for Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment Technical Report ST067-85-Task E (Revised) submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under subcontract 85X-SU565C, July 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., Valdes, D.M., Machemehl, R.B., Tassoulas, J., and Williams, J.C., “Integrated Arterial and Freeway Operation Control Strategies for ITS Advanced Traffic Management Systems,” Technical Report #0-1468F, Center for Transportation Research, Austin, Texas, July 1998.
Bowler, L.A. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Routing of Radioactive Shipments in Networks with Time-Varying Costs and Curfews,” Technical Report ANRCP-1998-11, Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium/A Higher Education Consortium, Amarillo, Texas, September 1998.
Miller-Hooks, E. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Optimal Routing of Hazardous Substances in Time-Varying Stochastic Transportation Networks,” Technical Report ANRCP-1998-8, Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium, Amarillo, Texas, July 1998.
Abdel-Fatah, A., Chiu, Y-C, Huynh, N., Mahmassani, H.S., Hu, T-Y, and Hawas, Y., “Dynasmart Simulation-Assignment Model User’s Guide,” Technical Report ST067-85-DSIMUG submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under subcontract 85X-SU565C, July 1998.
Abdel-Fatah, A., Chiu, Y-C, Huynh, N., and Mahmassani, H.S., “DYNASMART-X (DYNAFACE) Input User Interface Software for Window Environment,” supplemental software to Technical Report ST067-85-DSIMUG submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under subcontract 85X-SU565C, July 1998.
Kraan, M., Mahmassani, H.S., Huynh, N., Abdelghany, A.F.S., Chen, P., Srinivasan, K., and LaLuz, Y., “Tripmaker Choice Behaviour for Non-Commuting Trips: Experiments with Shopping Experiments,” Task F.4 Technical Report # DTFH61-95-C-00017-F4 submitted to WESTAT Corporation, Silver Springs, MD, July 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., Chen, P.S., and Srinivasan, K., “Effect of Information Quality on the Response of Commuters to Real-Time Traffic Information: Laboratory Experiment # 5 Results,” Technical Report DTFH61-95-C-00017-F5 submitted to WESTAT Corporation, Silver Springs, MD, July 1998.
Regan, A.C., Mahmassani, H.S., and Jaillet, P., "Real-time Information for Improved Efficiency of Commercial Vehicle Operations," SWUTC 98/467510/467306 & 600031/465580 Final Report, Southwest University Transportation Center, September 1998.
Hawas, Y. and Mahmassani, H.S., Taylor, R., Ziliaskopoulos, A., Chang, G-L, and Peeta, S., "Development of DYNASMART-X Software for Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment," RFP#ST067-85 -Task E Technical Report, Revised September 1998.
Abdelfatah, A., Abdelghany, K.F., Chiu, Y-C, Huynh, N., and Mahmassani, H.S., Hu, T-Y, and Hawas, Y., "DYNASMART-X Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment Systems: Multiple User Classes (MUC) Algorithm User's Guide," FHWA Technical Report # ST067-85-MUCUG, September, 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., Hawas, Y., Abdelfatah, A., Abdelghany, K., Chiu, Y-C, and Kang, Y., "Development of a Deployable Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System," RFP#ST067-85 Volume I: Functional Requirement and Conceptual Design," FHWA # ST067-85 Technical Report, September 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., Hawas, Y., Abdelghany, K., Abdelfatah, A., Chiu, Y-C, and Kang, Y., "Development of a Deployable Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System," RFP#ST067-85 Volume II: Analytical and Algorithmic Aspects," FHWA # ST067-85 Technical Report, September 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., Hawas, Y., Abdelghany, K., Chiu, Y-C, Abdelfatah, A., Huyhn, N., Kang, Y., Ghang, G-L, Peeta, S., Taylor, R., and Ziliaskopoulos, A., "Development of a Deployable Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System," RFP#ST067-85 Volume III: System Implementation and Software Design," FHWA # ST067-85 Technical Report, September 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., Chiu, Y-C, Kang, Y., Hawas, Y., Abdelfatah, K., Abdelghany, A., Abdelfatah, A., and Valdes, Didier, "Development of a Deployable Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System," RFP#ST067-85 Volume IV: Off-Line Testing," FHWA # ST067-85 Technical Report, September 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., Huyhn, N., Chiu, Y-C, Abdelfatah, A., Abdelghany, K., and Kang, Y., "Development of a Deployable Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System," RFP#ST067-85 Volume V: User's Guide," FHWA # ST067-85 Technical Report, September 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., Chiu, Y-C, Abdelfatah, A., Abdelghany, K., Hawas, Y., Kang, Y., Valdes, D., Chang, G-L, Peeta, S., and Ziliaskopoulos, A.," DYNASMART-X Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment Systems: Off Line Laboratory Test Results for the DYNASMART-X Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System," Technical Report #ST067-85-Task G, September 1998.
Huynh, N., Abdelfatah, A., Abdelghany, K., Chiu, Y-C, Kang, Y., Mahmassani, H.S., Hu, T-Y, and Hawas, Y., "DYNASMART-X Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System: Real-Time DTA System User's Guide," Technical Report #ST067-85-RTDTAUG, September 1998.
Mahmassani, H., Abdelghany, A.S., and Kraan, M., “Providing Advance and Real-time Travel/Traffic Information to Tourists,” Center for Transportation Research, Technical Research Report #1744S, University of Texas, Austin, TX, October 1998.
Mahmassani, H.S., Hass, C., Zhou, S., and Peterman, J., “Evaluation of Incident Detection Methodologies," Interim Report # 0-1795, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas, Austin, TX, October 1998.
Taylor, D. and Mahmassani, H.S., "Behavioral Models and Characteristics of Bicycle Automobile Mixed-Traffic: Planning and Engineering Implications," SWUTC/98/60056-1, combined final technical report for Southwest University Transportation Center (SWUTC) projects 60056/465570 and 472840-00062, Center for Transportation Research, Texas Department of Transportation, October 1998.
Acha-Daza, J.A. and Mahmassani, H.S., "User's Response to Pricing in a Traffic Network," SWUTC/99/465620/467308 Final Report, May 1999.
Chen, P. S-T and Mahmassani, H.S., "Dynamics of Urban Commuter Behaviour Under Real-Time Traffic Information," SWUTC/99/472840-00066-1 Final Report, May 1999.
Mahmassani, H.S., Haas, C., Peterman, J., Zhou, S., and Tavana, H., "Evaluation of Incident Detection Texas Methodologies," Research Report 0-1795-F, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1999.
Chiu, Y-C, Huynh, N., Mahmassani, H.S. and Hawas, Y., "DYNASMART-X Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System: User's Guide for the Decentralized Dynamic Traffic Assignment Module," Technical Report # ST067-85-DEC, June 1999.
Anchondo, J.J., El-Nazer, Z., Handy, S., Mahmassani, H.S., Malina, J., and Harris, K., "Feasibility of Water Transit for Corpus Christi Bay Area," Project 1835-1 Final Report, Center for Transportation Research, submitted to Texas Department of Transportation, December, 1999.
Mahmassani, H.S., Haas, C., Zhou, S., and Peterman, J., "Evaluation of Incident Detection Methodologies," Rinal Report 0-1795-1, Center for Transportation Research, submitted to the Texas Department of Transportation, December, 1999.
La Luz Pagan, Y., Mahmassani, H.S., and Kraan, M., "Trip Planning Behavior of Tourists: San Antonio Case Study, Technical Report SWUTC/00/472840-00073-1, Center for Transportation Research, Austin, TX, January 2000.
Murray, P. M., Mahmassani, H. S., Abdelghany, A.S. and Handy, S., "Defining Special Use Lanes: Case Studies and Guidelines", Research Report 0-1832-1, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Abdelghany, A., Chiu, Y-C., Abdelghany, K., Huynh, N., and Zhou, X., "Technical Report ST067-85-PI: DYNASMART-P: Intelligent Transportation Network Planning Tool - Executive Summary," submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under subcontract 85X-SU565C, June 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Abdelghany, A., Chiu, Y-C., Abdelghany, K., Huynh, N., and Zhou, X., "Technical Report ST067-85-PII: DYNASMART-P: Intelligent Transportation Network Planning Tool - Programmer's Manual," submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under subcontract 85X-SU565C, June 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Abdelfatah, A., Abdelghany, A., Abdelghany, K, Chiu, Y-C., Huynh, N., and Zhou, X., "Technical Report ST067-85-PIII: DYNASMART-P: Intelligent Transportation Network Planning Tool - User's Guide," submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under subcontract 85X-SU565C, June 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Abdelfatah, A., Tavana, H., Chiu, Y-C., Abdelghany, A., Huynh, N., and Zhou, X., "Technical Report ST067-85-PIV: Data Analysis Report," submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under subcontract 85X-SU565C, August 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Abdelghany, A., Chiu, Y-C., Abdelghany, K., Huynh, N. and Zhou, X., "Technical Report ST067-85-X.I: DYNASMART-X.I Executive Summary," submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under subcontract 85X-SU565C, June 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Abdelghany, A., Chiu, Y-C., Abdelghany, K., Huynh, N. and Zhou, X., "Technical Report ST067-85-X.II DYNASMART-X.II: Programmer's Manual," submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under subcontract 85X-SU565C, June 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Abdelghany, A., Chiu, Y-C., Abdelghany, K., Huynh, N. and Zhou, X., "Technical Report ST067-85-X.III: DYNASMART-X.III User's Manual," submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under subcontract 85X-SU565C, June 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Abdelghany, A., Chiu, Y-C., Abdelghany, K., Huynh, N. and Zhou, X., "Technical Report ST067-85-X.IVa & b: DYNASMART-X.IV a & b: Technical Manual" submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory under subcontract 85X-SU565C, June 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Abdelfatah, A., Tavana, H., Chiu, Y-C, Abdelghany, A., Huynh, N., and Zhou, X., “Data Analysis Report, Technical Report ST067-85-PIV, Center for Transportation Research, US. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, October 2000.
Mahmassani, H.S., Abdelghany, A, Abdelghany, K., Chiu, Y-C, Huynh, N., and Zhou, X., “DYNASMART-P: Intelligent Transportation Network Planning Tool – DYNASMART-P Version 0.92 User’s Guide, TechniclalReport # ST067-85-P,” Center for Transportation Research, US. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, February 2001.
Mahmassani, H.S., Slaughter, K., Chebli, H. and McNerney, “Domestic and International Best Practice Case Studies,” Project 0-1849-2 Technical Report, Center for Transportation Research, Texas Department of Transportation, February 2001.
LaLuz, Y, Mahmassani, H.S., Kraan, M. and Abdelghany, A., “Providing Advance and Real-time Information to Tourists: San Antonio Case Study,” Project 1744-1 Technical Report, Center for Transportation Research, Texas Department of Transportation, February 2001.
Haas, C.T., Mahmassani, H.S., Khoury, J., Haynes, M., Rioux, T. and Logman, H., “Evaluation of AVI for San Antonio Transguide for Incident Detection and Advanced Traveler Information Systems,” Technical Report # 7-4957-1, Center for Transportation Research, Texas Department of Transportation, February 2001.
Haas, C.T., Mahmassani, H.S., Rioux, T., Haynes, M., Khoury, J., and Logman, H., “Recommendations and Implementation of Automatic Vehicle Identification for Incident Detection and Advanced Traveler Information Systems,” Technical Report # 7-4957-S, Center for Transportation Research, Texas Department of Transportation, February 2001.
Haas, C.T., Mahmassani, H.S., Khoury, J., Haynes, M., and Logman, H., “Evaluation of AVI for San Antonio TRANSGUIDE for Incident Detection and Advanced Traveler Information Systems,” Technical Report # 7-4957-1, Center for Transportation Research, Texas Department of Transportation, February 2001.
Dutt, S., Lasdon, L., and Mahmassani, H.S., “Evaluation of Software Solutions for Transit Scheduling and Data Integration Needs,” Project 0-1884-2 Technical Report, Center for Transportation Research, Texas Department of Transportation, April 2001.
Mahmassani, H.S., Dutt, S., and Lasdon, L., “Recommendations for Transit Scheduling Data Integration Needs,” Project 0-1884-S Technical Report, Center for Transportation Research, Texas Department of Transportation, April 2001.
Mehta, T., Mahmassani, H.S., and Bhat, C., “Methodologies for Evaluating Environmental Benefits of Intelligent Transportation Systems,” Technical Report # 0-4197-1, Center for Transportation Research, Texas Department of Transportation, May 2001.
Mahmassani, H .S., Abdelfatah, A., Tavana, H., Chiu, Y-C, Abdelghany, A, Huynh, N. and Zhou, X., “DYNASMART-P: Intelligent Transportation Network Planning Tool – Calibration and Evaluation Plan for DYNASMART-P, Technical Report # ST067-85-PV, Center for Transportation Research, US. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, May 2001.
Mahmassani, H.S., Slaughter, K., Chebli, H. and McNerney, “Domestic and International Best Practice Case Studies,” Project 0-1849-2 Technical Report, Center for Transportation Research, Texas Department of Transportation, August 2001.
Mehta, T, Mahmassani, H.S. and Bhat, C., “Immediately Applicable Methods for Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS),” Technical Research Report 4197-2, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas at Austin, December 2001.
Srinivasan, K.K. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Dynamic Decision and Adjustment Processes in Commuter Behavior Under Real-Time Information, Technical Research Report SWUTC/02/167204-1, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas at Austin, February 2002.
Rabah, M. Y. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Impact of Electronic Commerce on Logistics Operations: A Focus on Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) Strategies,” Technical Research Report SWUTC/ 02/167227-1, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas at Austin, February 2002.
Vora, V. P. and Mahmassani, H.S., “Development and Implementation of a Telecommuting Evaluation Framework, and Modeling the Executive Telecommuting Adoption Process,” Technical Research Report SWUTC/ 02/167505-1, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas at Austin, February 2002.
Mahmassani, H.S., Chebli, H., Slaughter, K., and Ludders, F.J., “Assessment of Intermodal Strategies for Airport Access,” Technical Report 0-1849-3, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas at Austin, April 2002.
Mehta, T., Kottapalli, A. Mahmassani, S. and Bhat, C., “Assessing The Environmental Benefits Of Intelligent Transportaton Systems Measures: Methodologies And Applications”. Research Report 0-4971-F, Center for Transportation Research, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 2002.
Mahmassani, H.S., Sbayti, H., Victoria, I., Zhou, X. and Chiu, Y.-S. “DYNASMART P Calibration and Evaluation” , Final Report , Volume I, TrEPS Phase 1.5C, Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, December 2002.
Mahmassani, H.S., Sbayti, H., Victoria, I., Zhou, X. and Chiu, Y.-S. “DYNASMART P Evaluation for Operational Planning Applications” , Final Report , Volume II, TrEPS Phase 1.5C, Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, February 2003.
Mahmassani, HS; Zhou, X.; Qin, X.; Lu, C-C.. DYNASMART-X User's Guide and Programmer's Guide. Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, November 2004.
Mahmassani, HS; Qin, X.; Zhou, X. DYNASMART-X Evaluation for Real-Time TMC Application: Irvine Test Bed. US DOT/ FHWATREPS Phase 1.5B Final Report. Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, 2004.
Bodin, L.; Miller-Hooks, E.; Mahmassani, HS; Kim, M. Economic Impact Study of the Intercounty Connector: Freight and Logistics Impact Assessment Technical Documentation. Research Report MTI-SHA-ICC-TD2. Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, 2004.
Clifton, KJ; Mahmassani, HS; Burnier, C.; Min, Y.; Mitchell, C.; Targa, F. Economic Impact Study of the Intercounty Connector: Travel Efficiency Analysis and Economic Development Technical Documentation. Research Report MTI-SHA-ICC-TD1. Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, 2004.
Mahmassani, HS.; Sbayti, H.; Zhou, X. DYNASMART-P 1.0 User's Guide and Programmer's Guide. US DOT/ FHWATREPS Phase 2C Final Report. Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, 2004.
Murray-Tuite, P; Mahmassani, H. Identification of Vulnerable Transportation Infrastructure and Household Decision Making under Emergency Evacuation Conditions. Technical Research Report SWUTC/05/167528-1, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas at Austin, 2005.
Mahmassani, HS, Haghani, A, Miller-Hooks, E and Kim, Minseok, Paratransit Service Provider Parity: Definition, Measurement and Monitoring. Research Report MTI-MTA-PAR-FR. Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, 2005.
Mahmassani, HS, Fei, X., Eisenman, S., Zhou, X. and Qin, X. DYNASMART-X Evaluation for Real-Time TMC Application: CHART Test Bed, Final Research Report, Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, 2005.
Mahmassani, HS, Zhou, X., Zhang, K., Erdogan, S. and Hamdar, S.H. DYNASMART-P Integrated Corridor Management Benefits Analysis, Final Research Report, Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, 2005.
Mahmassani, HS, and Fernandez-Kimmel, E. (eds.), Proceedings of The Workshop on Planning for Operations: Challenges and Opportunities for Integrated Data and Modeling Tools. Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, 2006.
Mahmassani, HS.; Sbayti, H.; Erdogan, S.; Lu, C.-C. DYNASMART-P 1.2 User's Guide and Programmer's Guide. US DOT/ FHWA Final Report. Maryland Transportation Initiative, University of Maryland, 2006.
Mahmassani, HS. Transportation Network Modeling for Predicting Emission Impacts of Traffic and Travel Management Policies. EMBARQ Project, World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C., July 2006.
Mahmassani, HS., Hamdar, SH., Chen, RB. And Park, B. Traffic Responses to Weather Events and Application of Weather-Responsive Traffic Advisory and Control Strategies: Literature Review. US DOT/FHWA DTFH61-06-D-00005, Task No: 01-0262-71-2007-077. Transportation Center, Northwestern University, 2008.
Chen, RB. And Mahmassani, HS. Assessing the Impact of Transportation Interventions on Greenhouse Gases and Air Quality in Urban Areas. Prepared for EMBARQ Project, World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C., April 2008.
Mahmassani, HS., Dong, J. and Park, B. Existing Traffic Prediction and Estimation Models and Systems: Review and Summary. US DOT/FHWA DTFH61-06-D-00005, Task No: 01-0262-71-2007-077. Transportation Center, Northwestern University, 2008.
Mahmassani, HS.; Dong, J.; Kim, J. DYNASMART-P 1.5 User's Guide and Programmer's Guide. Transportation Center, Northwestern University, 2009.
Mahmassani, HS.; Dong, J.; Kim, J.; Chen, R.B. and Park, B. Incorporating weather impacts in traffic estimation and prediction systems (TREPS), FHWA-JPO-09-065, Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems, US DOT, 2009.
Mahmassani, HS. contributing author to NCHRP 08-57: Assessing Highway Tolling and Pricing Options and Impacts, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc. – Final Report Volume 2: Travel Demand Forecasting Tools for Pricing, NCHRP Report 722, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, 2012.
Mahmassani, HS.; Kim, J.; Hou, T.; Zockaie, A.; Saberi, M.; Jiang, L.; Verbas, O.; Cheng, S.; Chen, Y. and Haas, R. Implementation and evaluation of weather responsive traffic estimation and prediction system, FHWA-JPO-12-055, Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems, US DOT, 2012.
Mahmassani, HS. contributing author to SHRP 2 Capacity Project C04 Final Report: Improving our Understanding of How Highway Congestion and Price Affect Travel Demand, Transportation Research Board, 2012.
Mahmassani, HS., Mudge, R., Hou, T. and Kim, J. Use of Mobile Data for Weather-Responsive Traffic Management Models, Research Report FHWA-JPO-13-003, Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems, US DOT, 2012.
Frei, C., Saberi. M. and Mahmassani, HS. Clearview Font in Illinois: Assessing IDOT Experiences and Needs, Research Report FHWA-ICT-13-003, Illinois Center for Transportation, 2013.
Mahmassani, HS, Koppelman, F., Frei, C., Frei, A. and Haas, R. Synthesis of Traveler Choice Research: Improving Modeling Accuracy for Better Transportation Decision-making, Research Report FHWA-HRT-13-022, Office of Operations, Federal Highway Administration, US DOT, 2013.
Mudge, R., Mahmassani, HS., Haas, R., Talebpour, A., and Carroll, L. Work Zone Performance Measurement Using Probe Data. Research Report FHWA-HOP-13-043, Office of Operations, Federal Highway Administration, US DOT, 2013.
Stogios, Y., Mahmassani, HS., Vovsha, P., Kim, J., Chen, Y. and Brijmohan, A. Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures in Operations and Planning Modeling Tools. Research Report SHRP 2 Reliability Project L04, Transportation Research Board, National Academies, 2013.
Mahmassani, HS., Kim, J., Hou, T., Talebpour, A., Stogios, Y., Brijmohan, A., and Vovsha, P. Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures in Operations and Planning Modeling Tools: Application Guidelines. Research Report SHRP 2 Reliability Project L04, Transportation Research Board, National Academies, 2013.
Mahmassani, HS, Frei, C., Frei, Story, A., Lem, L., Talebpour, A., Chen, Y., Zockaie, A., Saberi, M., Halat, H. and Haas, R. Analysis of Network and Non-Network Factors on Traveler Choice: Towards Improving Modeling Accuracy for Better Transportation Decision-Making. Research Report FHWA-JPO-12-055, Office of Operations, Federal Highway Administration, US DOT, 2013.
Talebpour, A., and Mahmassani, HS. Effectiveness of Innovative Speed-Enforcement Techniques in Illinois. Research Report FHWA-ICT-14-006, Illinois Center for Transportation, 2014.
Mahmassani, HS., Johnson, B., Frei, A. and BouMjahed, L. Leveraging Freight Payment Data for Service Planning and Operations. Research Report, Northwestern University Transportation Center, February 2014.
Mahmassani, HS., Hou, T., Kim, J., Chen, Y., Hong, Z., Halat, H. and Haas, R. Implementation of a Weather Responsive Traffic Estimation and Prediction System (TrEPS) for Signal Timing at Utah DOT. Research Report FHWA-JPO-14-140, Office of Operations, Federal Highway Administration, US DOT, 2014.
Mahmassani, H.S., Smilowitz, K., Bou Mjahed, L., Hyland, M., Xu, X., Verbas, O. and Johnson, B. Air Cargo Opportunities for Vertical Take-Off and Landing Operations. Research Report, Northwestern University Transportation Center, May 2015.
Vovsha, P., Mahmassani, HS. et al. Network Microsimulation Extension to the CMAP Activity-Based Travel Demand Model, Parsons-Brinckerhoff (PB) and Northwestern University Transportation Center, for the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, July 2015.
Hyland, M., Mahmassani, HS, Bou Mjahed, L., Johnson, B., Rosson, P. Analytical Models of Rail Service Operations, Research Report, Northwestern University Transportation Center, June 2016.
Bou Mjahed, L., Mahmassani, HS, Hyland, M., Johnson, B., Rosson, P. Trends in Grain and Soybean Economics, Research Report, Northwestern University Transportation Center, June 2016.
Mahmassani, HS, Hyland, M., Bou Mjahed, L., Johnson, B., Rosson, P. Econometric Analysis of Rail Transport Rates, Research Report, Northwestern University Transportation Center, June 2016.
Hale, D., Mahmassani, HS and Mittal, A. Active Transportation and Demand Management Analytical Methods for Urban Streets. Research Report FHWA-HOP-16-088, Office of Operations, Federal Highway Administration, US DOT, 2017.
Mahmassani, HS, Schofer, J., Johnson, B., Verbas. O., Elfar, A., Mittal, A., Ostojic, M. Chicago Red Light Camera Enforcement: Best Practices & Program Road Map, Research Report, Northwestern University Transportation Center, March 2017.
Mahmassani, HS, Hong, Z, Xu, X., Mittal, A., Yelchuru, B. and Kamalanathsharma, R. Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Testbed Development and Evaluation to Support Dynamic Mobility Applications (DMA) and Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) Programs — Evaluation Report for ATDM Program. Research Report FHWA-JPO-16-385, Office of Operations, Federal Highway Administration, US DOT, 2017.
Mahmassani, HS, Hong, Z, Xu, X., Mittal, A., Yelchuru, B. and Kamalanathsharma, R. Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Testbed Development and Evaluation to Support Dynamic Mobility Applications (DMA) and Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) Programs — Evaluation Report for the Chicago Testbed. Research Report FHWA-JPO-16-387, Office of Operations, Federal Highway Administration, US DOT, 2017.
Yelchuru, B., Mahmassani, and Kamalanathsharma, R. Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Testbed Development and Evaluation to Support Dynamic Mobility Applications (DMA) and Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) Programs — Evaluation Summary for the Chicago Testbed. Research Report FHWA-JPO-16-388, Office of Operations, Federal Highway Administration, US DOT, 2017.